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Youngstown State University establishes AFS Student Chapter

The American Foundry Society welcomed Youngstown State University (Youngstown, Ohio) as its newest student chapter.Youngstown State AFS Student Chapter logo

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AFS meets with students at FEF College Industry Conference

The next generation of metalcasters gathered at the Foundry Educational Foundation's College Industry Conference in Chicago Nov. 15-16, and AFS was on hand.

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Book and course latest achievements for Schorn

About 15 years ago, Ted Schorn wasn’t able to easily find materials about visual inspection. His company, Enkei America, produces aluminum wheels for the automotive industry, and it was important for them to use inspection to find defects recognizable by a trained employee.

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Ted Schorn and AFS: A comprehensive approach to visual inspection

Ted Schorn has a story to tell about visual inspection, and he’s sharing it three ways: in a course sponsored by AFS, at the AFS Aluminum Casting Conference, and in a new book.

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AFS Institute completes $1 million investment

A five-year, $1 million investment is set to pay off for the AFS Institute and its students.

Since 2013, the Institute has redeveloped its course catalog with the backing of a $1 million pledge approved by the Board of Directors. Recently, that work concluded, and the results are sweeping: 37 new instructor-led classes and 108 e-Learning modules covering all areas of metalcasting. 

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Winners of AFS/FEF Student Technology Contest Announced at Metalcasting Congress

Two students shared first prize in the 2018 AFS/FEF Student Technology Contest at the 122nd Metalcasting Congress in Fort Worth, Texas, April 4.

Trevor Constance from Missouri University of Science & Technology and David Sánchez from Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo were named co-winners of the annual competition, which required students to create digital posters of their metalcasting research and present their projects at Congress.

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