There is a Place for You at AFS

Thank you for visiting our website. No matter your interest in our $50 billion industry, we have a place for you in our organization. The Get Involved section of our site is a great place to explore the many opportunities for involvement.
Most AFS committees are seeking volunteers. Don’t let the words “committee” or “volunteer” scare you. We have nearly 1,000 volunteers in more than 30 technical and management committees. Speak to nearly any of them, and you’ll hear their passion for AFS. You need not be an industry expert or graybeard to participate!
There are 39 industry chapters across North America. What a spectacular way to make an impact at the local level. Grab a friend or co-worker and attend an upcoming chapter activity.
Many people in the formative stages of their careers are participating in Future Leaders of Metalcasting. It’s a great way to plug in for people who are, or aspire to be, on the management track at their employers.
In a historically male-dominated industry, it is encouraging to see many women taking their rightful place in key positions, and participating in our Women in Metalcasting program.
Finally, don’t forget to invest in your own education and professional development through AFS Institute courses and Foundry e-Learning.
If you are looking for a great career, we encourage you to consider metalcasting. Watch this careers video to learn more.
The opportunities are here, and we look forward to seeing you soon. There truly is a place for you at AFS.