Foundries recognize that being environmentally responsible and improving the bottom line aren’t mutually exclusive goals. Many facilities achieve better growth and cost savings, improve their brand and reputation, strengthen stakeholder relations, and boost their profitability. A business case often can be made for promoting environmental sustainability within a facility. Foundries, inherent recyclers, have even more of a business case for environmental sustainability than many other industries. From implementing management systems and metrics to waste management and beneficial reuse, metalcasters can play a key societal role in the sustainability of our natural resources.
Green Foundry Case Studies
The Green Foundry project intent is to document examples of sustainability efforts being implemented at metalcasting facilities. These Green Foundry practices are categorized each green foundry project is categorized by each of its relevant environmental impacts AND by each of the foundry processes impacted by the project. Select any of the environmental impacts or foundry processes to see applicable projects. Here you can find the Green Foundry Award Winners.
If your metalcasting facility has advanced sustainability or management initiatives, we want to hear from you! Click here for a form to submit your sustainability efforts to be included the Green Foundry database.

Green Foundry Project Database
Recycling and Beneficial Use of Foundry Byproducts
There are many byproducts from the metalcasting process and its related finishing and machining processes which have value when beneficially re-used onsite, or when offered for offsite use.