Foundry Sand Beneficial Use State Program Locator
Recognizing that a lack of knowledge of state regulations can be a key barrier impeding foundry sand reuse and recycling, EPA’s Environmental Assistance Compliance Platform (EnvCAP) has created a single site where state beneficial use state agencies and resources may be located.
This comprehensive 188-page report describes the status of beneficial reuse in 2006, identifies beneficial use activity in individual states, addresses compliance and enforcement issues, and compares to the 2000 Report. Appendix B includes a list of waste evaluated for beneficial use requests and uses.
The Beneficial Use Task Force (BUTF) of the Materials Management Subcommittee of the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) undertook the task of surveying the States and Territories (States) regarding beneficial uses of various fill-like materials in the United States. This report summarizes the results of that survey and provides a discussion of the results.