
Safety Awards

Submission dates for safety awards from AFS, the AFS Millionaires Safety Award and the AFS Metalcasting Safe Year Award, are announced each year, usually in January. 

Facilities applying for the Millionaires Safety Award must have reached any increment of a million consecutive man-hours worked without incurring occupational injury or illness that caused missed work days or death from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31 of the previous year. All million-hour increments do not have to be accumulated in the same year. Facilities must have reached the increment some time in the previous calendar year. The awards will be presented at Metalcasting Congress or at CastExpo, depending on the year. 

Applicants for the Metalcasting Safe Year Award must have achieved 365 calendar days without a lost time accident. To qualify, this year, the one-year mark must have been reached some time in this calendar year. The year begins the day following the most recent lost time accident. For example, if a lost-time accident occurred on Jan. 7, the facility can begin counting on Jan. 8, and the award is achieved after remaining accident-free through Jan. 8 of the following year. The awards will be presented at AFS’s annual Environmental Health and Safety Conference in August. All AFS Corporate Members are invited to apply.

Applications for both awards are available by following the links above or by contacting our Technical Department at