
AFS Encourages Metalcasters to Join MFG Day Movement

Manufacturers across the U.S. will be hosting and sponsoring events to promote the manufacturing industry with the fifth annual Manufacturing Day (MFG Day), to be held Oct. 7. As a national sponsor of the event, AFS encourages member companies to become involved by hosting, attending, or providing resources for an event.

Events can include facility tours, short workshops for area youth, or classroom demonstrations. In 2015, Manufacturing Day saw more than 2,300 events held in manufacturing facilities in all 50 states and more than 400,000 people participated. This year’s celebration will feature open houses, public tours, career workshops and other activities to increase public awareness of modern manufacturing.

“Manufacturing Day is a great time for AFS members to open their doors to support and promote manufacturing and metalcasting to the next generation,“ said AFS CEO, Doug Kurkul. “It’s no surprise Manufacturing Day is growing every year, since manufacturing is so important to our economy and our daily lives.”

AFS staff will be giving hands-on demonstrations of metalcasting (foundry in a box), hosting trivia and career discussions, and more. The community is invited to visit AFS headquarters to play in the sand, learn how castings are made, see the applications applications and uses in everyday life, and hear about the career opportunities possible. Participants also will make their own casting to take home.

For more information or to register a group to attend the AFS open house, click here. Or a flyer for the event here.

To host your own event, a toolkit is available to help plan a Manufacturing Day event at The toolkit includes resources on event formats, audiences, tips for success, and the results of a survey conducted after 2015 MFG Day.

AFS is a not-for-profit technical and management society that has existed since 1896 to provide and promote knowledge and services that strengthen the metalcasting industry for the ultimate benefit of its customers and society.