
Pence Visits Charlotte Pipe And Foundry

Gov. Mike Pence (R-Indiana), the vice-presidential nominee and running mate of Donald Trump, visited Charlotte Pipe And Foundry (Charlotte, North Carolina).

Pence’s visit was a campaign stop, and while there he stressed the importance of trade and small business. He also toured the plant, walking around with employees and management.

“Charlotte Pipe has always supported pro-business candidates regardless of political party and have had a number of them visit our plants over the years,” said Brad Muller, vice president, marketing. “Gov. Pence was a great guest and gave a terrific speech which our associates and other invited guests really enjoyed.”

Pence isn’t the only prominent national politician to visit the facility. In 2012, Republican nominee Mitt Romney also visited the plant.

Gov. Mike Pence tours Charlotte Pipe And Foundry. To see more photos from
his visit, click here. Courtesy of the Charlotte Observer.