Introduction to Coreless Induction Furnace Operation



This course provides participants with best practices for safe operating techniques for induction melting. Topics include furnace components, the sequence of operations for daily start-up, "normal" furnace operation and types of induction furnaces, the differences in induction furnaces sizes, and emergency situations and action plans.

Learning outcomes

Class participants will learn to:

  • Identify furnace components.
  • List the sequence of operations for daily start-up.
  • Describe a normal furnace operation.
  • Describe safe operating techniques of induction melting.
  • List the types of induction furnaces.
  • Identify an emergency and determine an action plan.
  • List the daily maintenance tasks for induction furnace operations.

Course Length

0.5 days

CEU Units

0.30 CEU

Course outline

Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Furnace Components

•    The Coreless Induction Furnace
•    The System

Module 3: Basics of Induction Melting

•    How Does Induction Work

Module 4: Furnace Startup

•    Starting an Induction Furnace

Module 5: Induction Furnace Daily Operations

•    Furnace Operation
•    Furnace Hazards

Module 6: Induction Furnace Daily Maintenance

•    Daily Maintenance Tasks

Module 7: Conclusion