Green Sand Testing


"Great instruction and hands-on learning."


This course provides detailed instruction on how to perform the commonly used green sand tests, including proper sand sampling methods from the “AFS Mold & Core Test Handbook”.

In addition to hands-on practice conducting sand tests, participants will be able to identify typical operating ranges for test values and communicate results.

Learning outcomes

Class participants will learn to:

  • Describe green sand tests and sampling procedures.
  • Identify green sand test frequency and purpose.
  • Determine proper test equipment.
  • Adhere to safety requirements.
  • Run green sand tests independently.
  • Determine and discuss acceptable green sand testing ranges.

Course Length

1.0 day

CEU Units

0.60 CEU

Course outline

Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Green Sand Testing Overview

•    What Is Green Sand Testing?
•    Sampling Procedures and Test Parameters
•    Green Sand Test’s Frequency and Purpose

Module 3: Perform Green Sand Tests

•    Determine Proper Testing Equipment
•    Lab Safety
•    Green Sand Testing Procedures

Module 4: Green Sand Testing Ranges

•    Green Sand Testing Acceptable Ranges
•    Discuss Green Sand Test Results

Module 5: Conclusion