Groups of allied organizations have been formed in areas where metalcasting facilities are a significant part of the regional manufacturing base. These collaborative groups inform and support our industry through lobbying and other advocacy efforts. They stay abreast of current and potential legislation and business regulations.Typically, allied organizations are the regional voice of metalcasting. They frequently work with local AFS Chapters.
To find out more about these Allied Organizations click on the links below:
State Associations:
- California Metals Coalition
- Foundry Association of Michigan
- Indiana Cast Metals Association
- Metalcasters of Minnesota
- Ohio Cast Metals Association
- Pennsylvania Foundry Association
- Texas Cast Metals Association
- Wisconsin Cast Metals Association
National Associations:
Industry Links:
American Foundry Society
American Iron and Steel Institute
American Metalcasting Consortium
Ductile Iron Society
Foundry Educational Foundation
Foundry Industry Recycling Starts Today (FIRST)
Investment Casting Institute
Iron Casting Research Institute
Non-Ferrous Founders' Society
North American Die Casting Association
Steel Founders' Society of America
World Foundry Organization