Aluminum & Light Metals Division

The Aluminum Division is involved in all phases of aluminum and magnesium casting, including metallurgy, melting and pouring, melt treatment, sand casting, permanent mold and low-pressure casting, diecasting, and other technologies. The group meets quarterly to review the state of the light metals casting industry, develop and oversee research, and engage in technical discussion and education to improve the capabilities and growth of our members.

Executive/Program Task Group―Oversees division and committee activities and preparation of the aluminum and magnesium technical sessions for the annual AFS Metalcasting Congress.

Process and Properties Task Group―Focuses on the process and property relationships for cast aluminum alloy engineered structural castings in all market sectors.

Permanent Mold Practices Task Group―Discusses, investigates and evaluates new technology pertinent to the aluminum permanent mold casting process.

Cast Metal Matrix Composite Task Group―Promotes the technical advancement, successful development and commercial application of cast metal matrix composite materials.

Nonferrous Foundry Bulletin:

Brian Began, Vice President of Metalcasting Technical Services
847-824-0181 ext. 228