The time is now for members of the metalcasting industry to speak up for their interests in Washington D.C. at the AFS Fly-In, June 20-21. Metalcasting contributes $30.3 billion annually to the U.S. economy and employs 200,000 people. The Fly-In targets Capitol Hill with the positive message of the economic force of metalcasting.
Highlights will include:
Momentum for the Fly-In is strong. AFS will be joined by key members of the Casting Industry Suppliers Association (CISA) advocating for the interests of metalcasters.
“This is the moment for the collective voice of the metalcasting industry to be heard,” said Doug Kurkul, CEO of AFS. “For metalcasting suppliers, foundry personnel, and castings users, this is the time to communicate the importance of the industry’s contributions and advocate for our pro-metalcasting agenda.”
CISA Executive Director Mark Ziegler said his members will benefit from participating in briefings and visits to elected officials who influence the regulatory practices of federal agencies.
“The CISA organization is looking forward to joining AFS at the Fly-In this June in Washington D.C. This is a very important conference for our membership and foundries,” Ziegler said. “The perspectives on the latest happenings in congress and regulations affecting our businesses make this an extremely important Government Affairs Conference.”
No prior experience attending congressional meetings is needed. AFS will organize the meetings on Capitol Hill and supply background talking points. Expert speakers will also cover those talking points the first day.
“AFS maintains a Washington office to advocate for our industry, and works tirelessly to advance an agenda conducive to a strong business climate for metalcasters,” said Kurkul, “but there is no substitute for actual constituents speaking with their elected representatives and their staff members. Those who participate in these advocacy events become evangelists for their importance and value.”
Click here for travel and registration information for the Fly-In. CISA members may also register by contacting those associations, respectively. Reservations made after May 26 will be subject to availability of room block rates, if available. Otherwise the Hyatt’s prevailing rates will apply. Other hotels may also have availability.