AFS presents Members-Only Webinars covering technical and management topics for the metalcasting industry. Recordings of these webinars are available as a service to members. To view an archived webinar, click below and log in with your AFS membership credentials.
Silver Anniversary Paper: A Quarter Century of Change in 3D Printing Molds and Cores
Kelley Kerns | Recorded February 27, 2025
Additive manufacturing technologies emerged over 25 years ago with a technology known as Direct Shell Production Casting (DSPC). This viable process produces molds with in-situ cores to pour castings directly into near-net shape parts. The evolution of innovation has taken a fast track in the 3D printing of cores and molds. This paper will review the generational developments in process technology, applications, materials, and rapid adoption of 3D printing in the metalcasting industry.
3D Sand Printing Adoption In A Production Environment
Kyle Peterson | Recorded February 25, 2025
Join Kyle Peterson as he shares some of the experience in evaluating, both technically and from business ROI perspective, 3D sand printing technology in a production foundry over the past 8 years.
CastExpo 2025 Preview
Multiple Speakers | Recorded February 13, 2025
Get a sneak peek at everything CastExpo 2025 has to offer during this preview webinar for attendees, exhibitors, and anyone interested in learning more about North America’s largest metalcasting trade show and congress.
Spotlight on 2024 Jean Bye - AFS Women in Metalcasting Scholarship Recipient
Katelyn Kiser | Recorded February 11, 2025
Celebrate the future of metalcasting as we spotlight the 2024 Women in Metalcasting Jean Bye Scholarship recipient, Katelyn Kiser from Missouri S&T, in this exclusive webinar. Through a structured Q&A, we’ll delve into her inspiring academic journey, her passion for metalcasting, and her impactful outreach efforts to promote the industry.
Planning the Year to Maximize Productivity and Safety (Sponsored)
Robert Turner | Recorded January 30, 2025
What should I consider for effective maintenance and operation of industrial dust collection systems? Our key topics include the types of dust collectors, including baghouse designs and their components, insights from our field service experiences, and the role of proper sensing and control mechanisms.
We focus on sustainability and on minimizing energy consumption, optimizing filter bag life through pulse-on-demand systems, and leveraging automation for enhanced safety and efficiency. Integration of data-driven monitoring systems and advanced controls to ensure both operational robustness and long-term facility expansion while maintaining high safety standards for employees.
EPA, OSHA and Public Policy Advocacy Webinar
Stephanie Salmon, Jeff Hannapel | Recorded January 29, 2025
AFS Washington-based policy advocates Jeff Hannapel and Stephanie Salmon, provide a timely update on the key EPA, OSHA, tax, trade, Buy America, infrastructure and workforce issues. These issues have millions of dollars of implications for metalcasters.
Low CRI, High CSR Coke Trials
Steve Hay, Bruce Blatzer | Recorded January 23, 2025
To improve coke performance in the cupola, the authors discovered that coke used in blast furnaces [low Coke Reactivity Index (CRI), high Coke Strength after Reaction (CSR)] exhibits higher strength than foundry coke and may provide better performance due to larger coke pieces reaching the melt zone. Coke strength and sizing are extremely important in a cupola because the coke must reach the melt zone intact, stay in the melt zone long enough to replenish the coke bed, provide heat for melting and carbon pick-up to the liquid iron. This research evaluates the cupola performance difference between cokes of high and low CRI. In addition, efforts were made to identify differences in characteristics of these cokes.
Understanding Foundry Safety: Insights from 2023
Ted Schorn | Recorded January 9, 2025
Join Ted Schorn as he navigates the latest statistical data on foundry safety from 2023. This webinar will provide a comprehensive analysis of safety trends, incidents, and suggested actions for improvements within the foundry industry.
Hot Work - Why it is a Critical Safety Program For Your Operations & Your Work
Austin Smith, John Link | Recorded December 12, 2024
In this presentation, we will examine the requirements of the OSHA standard 1910.252 to ensure your facility is in compliance with the standards. We will explore some case studies that resulted in large losses due to hot work incidents. We will also analyze how to manage contractors performing hot work at your facility and the importance of utilizing a trained fire watch.
A Theoretical and Experimental Approach to Hot Tear Prediction in Steels
Dr. Robert Tuttle | Recorded November 14, 2024
Steel alloy development continues to provide opportunities for foundries to enter new markets. However, traditional approaches to alloy development leave the examination of manufacturing issues for the later stages of development. Bringing casting considerations earlier in the development cycle should save money and time bringing new alloys to market. The hot tearing tendency of an alloy can be predicted during the early stages of alloy design. A hot cracking index was used to compare hot tearing tendency in both previous research and from experiments poured as part of this work. Cone castings were employed to create hot tears in three different alloys. The index predicted the same pattern as the observed hot tears. Interestingly, the freezing range also correlated with the hot tearing tendency of the steels. Therefore, it appears that the hot tearing behavior of an alloy can be predicted during the early alloy development stage.
2024 Post-Election Update
Jim Ellis | Recorded November 7, 2024
This webinar will feature valuable insights from Jim Ellis, Political Analyst, who will take a deep dive into the 2024 election results. Jim will also provide context and forecast what these results mean for the broader metalcasting industry policies and priorities going into 2025 and beyond.
Lost Foam Molds Produced by Additive Manufacturing
Marshall Miller | Recorded October 25, 2024
Lost foam tooling is generally considered prohibitively expensive with long lead times. This is driven by the tool’s design complexity, requiring extensive development utilizing machined foam patterns, and limiting it to high production volumes. Significant market opportunities for the lost foam process are available if tool costs and lead times can be reduced to be competitive with conventional processes such as automatic matchplates, high-pressure green sand equipment, and even highly-cored, chemically-bonded sand processes. This project was conducted to support the AFS Lost Foam Division
Humtown's Journey to Serial Production And How We Win Together (Sponsored by Humtown Products)
Brandon Lamoncha | Recorded October 23, 2024
Humtown has transitioned from a Pattern shop to a conventional Core shop to a major producer of 3D Printed sand cores and molds for the foundry industry. In this webinar Brandon will discuss how a company that offers 3D Sand Printing can not only offer a dual path or total solution to an OEM but how to decide when and where to implement 3D Printed cores into a serial production application. 3D Printing is just a tool in the toolbox and having the knowledge when to deploy this technology will set your foundry apart from the ones not using it. Learn how Humtown can become a strategic part of your team and save you from the learning curve of purchasing your own asset, and once you’re ready to take that step, a partner that will help you choose what machine, how to lay out the best operation, and transition you to making 3D Printed cores and /or molds yourself.
How Baghouse Design affects Emissions and Performance (Sponsored by Nederman Mikropul)
Brandon Billings| Recorded October 17, 2024
This sponsored webinar will address the areas of existing and potential new baghouse designs and their effect on emissions performance, as well as what different technologies can do to meet the optimum performance. We will present examples of expected performance in a foundry setting and how that relates to existing ang potential new federal regulation.
EPA, OSHA and Public Policy Advocacy - October 2024
Jeff Hannapel, Stephanie Salmon| Recorded October 11, 2024
Attention AFS Corporate Members, please plan to join AFS Washington-based policy advocates Jeff Hannapel and Stephanie Salmon, along with CEO Doug Kurkul, for a timely update on the key EPA, OSHA, tax, trade, Buy America, infrastructure and workforce issues. These issues have millions of dollars of implications for metalcasters. We’ll keep you apprised of the latest developments, the outlook, and the advocacy work AFS is doing to improve the outcomes.
Development of Improved Repair Welding Alloy and Process for Al-Cu Sand Castings
David Weiss| Recorded October 8, 2024
This project addresses important considerations in the welding of 200 series alloys, specifically castings produced from A206 alloy. This alloy is difficult to weld unless key process parameters are controlled. As the volume of the welded area increases, the difficulty is compounded. We show that control of temperature of the casting during welding is the most important process parameter for low defect welding with acceptable mechanical properties, assuming that basic good welding practices are followed. The weld filler rod is also an important consideration, with the most successful welds produced using 2319 alloy.
Evaluation of Thermal Technologies for Thermal Management of Permanent Molds
Cheolmin Ahn| Recorded September 26, 2024
Thermal management can play a pivotal role in the production of high-quality castings and the reduction of production cycle time by ensuring desired solidification patterns during dynamic casting processes such as permanent mold and die-casting processes. These processes require rapid heat removal and careful heat recovery for subsequent casting cycles, unlike traditional batch processes. Moreover, thermal management in specific localized regions of the mold is needed due to diverse mold geometries and shapes, as well as recent applications such as gigacasting. Local control of heat transfer for thermal management can be accomplished with the application of various thermal technologies, both heating and cooling. In this work, heat transfer characteristics of various thermal technologies were evaluated quantitatively through both modeling and experimental work.
Casting Out Carbon: A Foundry's Guide to Effective Carbon Tracking
Yoram Bernet| Recorded September 19, 2024
Discover how to navigate the complexities of carbon tracking in the foundry industry. This webinar will provide actionable insights on measuring and reducing your carbon footprint, while maintaining operational efficiency and profitability.
Casting Equipment Engineering: Principles and Guidelines
Jagan Nath| Recorded August 14, 2024
Join presenter Jagan Nath as he discusses the essentials of casting equipment, their design features, and applications, and how they shape castings from the flow of raw materials to product inspection/testing.
Digital Active Clay Measurement Method in Green Sand Foundries
James Springstead, Brian Rachwitz | Recorded August 1, 2024
A new spectrophotometric test has been developed that offers a faster, quantitative (digital) measurement for active clay in green sands and does not require extensive training or experience. In this study, this new alternative test is optimized and evaluated at three foundries to determine viability as an alternative measurement of active clay in working foundry green sand systems. The trials were conducted and optimized over two rounds of foundry testing.
Safety Beyond the Numbers Pt. 3: Ownership Culture Journey
Mickey Hannum | Recorded July 25, 2024
Ownership Culture Journey: an overview of how one company is making strides to have a fully engaged and collaborative workforce to ensure safe outcomes. Building an ownership culture through trust, relationships, principles, values, and behaviors
The Heat is On: OSHA Proposes General-Industry Heat Standard and Cal/OSHA Finalizes Indoor Heat Illness Standard – Key Impacts for U.S. Metalcasters
Rachel Conn, Megan Shaked | Recorded July 17, 2024
Cal/OSHA’s rulemaking is expected to take effect shortly. Accordingly, now is the time for California metalcasters to familiarize themselves with this new indoor heat illness regulation and begin to prepare for compliance.
EPA, OSHA and Public Policy Advocacy - July 2024
Doug Kurkul, Jeff Hannapel, Stephanie Salmon | Recorded July 10, 2024
Attention AFS Corporate Members, please plan to join AFS Washington-based policy advocates Jeff Hannapel and Stephanie Salmon, along with CEO Doug Kurkul, for a timely update on the key EPA, OSHA, tax, trade, Buy America, infrastructure and workforce issues. These issues have millions of dollars of implications for metalcasters. We’ll keep you apprised of the latest developments, the outlook, and the advocacy work AFS is doing to improve the outcomes.
Safety Beyond the Numbers Webinar Series Pt 2
Tony Orlowski | Recorded June 25, 2024
This foundry-focused series explores how purposefully defining and building an ownership-mindset workplace culture, beyond just compliance, can drive improved safety performance and business success. Presenters illustrate the limitations of compliance-only safety training. They contrast behaviors in an ownership culture versus a compliance culture, demonstrating how people can change outlook and behavior, like rejecting safety shortcuts as a badge of honor. The roles of comfort, competence, confidence, and trust in shaping culture are expounded upon. This series guide foundries through steps for transforming their culture to reflect core values.
Small, In-Line Passenger Vehicles - Cast Iron with the Same Weight as Aluminum
Steve Dawson | Recorded June 20, 2024
To demonstrate the potential benefits of CGI for small, in-line spark-ignition engines, the present study converted the cylinder block of a series production 1.2 liter, three-cylinder engine from aluminum to CGI. Leveraging a novel design concept, with the running surfaces and load path constructed from high-strength CGI and the outer crankcase housing fabricated from durable, lightweight plastic, the CGI cylinder block achieved the same weight as the original aluminum block.
2024 IJMC-FEF Student Research Competition
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Porosity Formation Caused by Deficient Baking of Shell Sand Cores - Mario De Jesús García Pineda
University of California-Irvine
Application of Ultrasonic Processing on Sand Cast Aluminum Mechanical Properties - Ana Sofia Diaz-Santos
University of Missouri S&T
Understanding the Effect of Boron on Graphite Nodularity and Distribution in Ductile Iron Castings - Chase Schroeder
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Low-Cost Surface Alloying of Brass to Improve Corrosion Resistance in Chlorine and Chloramine Rich Environments - Carol Martinez
PVD Coatings to Aid Release for Permanent Mold Castings
Steve Midson | Recorded May 30, 2024
Aluminum often strongly solders to uncoated steel dies when cast in permanent metal molds. To address this problem, metalcasters use lubricants, which often need to be applied to the die prior to the production of each casting. For high-pressure diecasting, organic lubricants are sprayed onto the die, while for permanent mold casting, ceramic coatings and graphite are used. Although the application is necessary, they cause various problems, such as reducing the quality of the castings and the creation of costly housekeeping issues. In addition, they are expensive and add to the cost of the casting.
OSHA 2024, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
John Surma | Recorded May 29, 2024
Join safety & health lawyer John Surma of Ogletree Deakins where he will discuss key steps for metalcasters to prepare for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) new controversial walkaround rule, as well as an overview and status of other key regulations under development including indoor and outdoor Heat Stress, and the proposed Emergency Response Rule. This webinar will also cover OSHA enforcement trends, including the National Emphasis Program for heat.
Improving Manufacturing Applications of Machine Learning by Understanding Defect Classification
David Blondheim | Recorded May 23, 2024
Machine learning (ML) is unlocking patterns and insight into data to provide financial value and knowledge for organizations. Use of machine learning in manufacturing environments is increasing, yet sometimes these applications fail to produce meaningful results. A critical review of how defects are classified is needed to appropriately apply machine learning in a production foundry and other manufacturing processes. Four elements associated with defect classification are proposed: Binary Acceptance Specifications, Stochastic Formation of Defects, Secondary Process Variation, and Visual Defect Inspection. These four elements create data space overlap, which influences the bias associated with training supervised machine learning algorithms. If this influence is significant enough, the predicted error of the model exceeds a critical error threshold (CET). There is no financial motivation to implement the ML model in the manufacturing environment if its error is greater than the CET. The goal is to bring awareness to these four elements, define the critical error threshold, and offer guidance and future study recommendations on data collection and machine learning that will increase the success of ML within manufacturing.
EPA, OSHA and Public Policy Advocacy - April 2024
Jeff Hannapel, Stephanie Salmon | Recorded April 10, 2024
Attention AFS Corporate Members, please plan to join AFS Washington-based policy advocates Jeff Hannapel and Stephanie Salmon, along with CEO Doug Kurkul, for a timely update on the key EPA, OSHA, tax, trade, Buy America, infrastructure and workforce issues. These issues have millions of dollars of implications for metalcasters. We’ll keep you apprised of the latest developments, the outlook, and the advocacy work AFS is doing to improve the outcomes.
Workplace Culture: The Practical Impacts on Safety & Business
Ken Chapman | Recorded April 4, 2024
This foundry-focused series explores how purposefully defining and building an ownership-mindset workplace culture, beyond just compliance, can drive improved safety performance and business success. Presenters illustrate the limitations of compliance-only safety training. They contrast behaviors in an ownership culture versus a compliance culture, demonstrating how people can change outlook and behavior, like rejecting safety shortcuts as a badge of honor. The roles of comfort, competence, confidence, and trust in shaping culture are expounded upon. This series guide foundries through steps for transforming their culture to reflect core values.
Effect of Resin Viscosity on the Physical Characteristics of 3D Printed Sand
Nathaniel Bryant | Recorded March 21, 2024
3D sand printing (3DSP) has continued to emerge as a topic of significant interest to the foundry industry. While this process uses materials, in some ways, similar to traditional chemically bonded molding practices, there are some required characteristics of the binders used in 3DSP that are unique to the binder jetting process. The University of Northern Iowa has conducted an investigation that characterized two samples of furfuryl alcohol of varying viscosity for 3D sand printing applications. One resin sample’s viscosity was within the recommended operating range of the printhead used, while the other was below.
Casting, Forging and Hot Rolling of High-Entropy Alloy Ingots
Frank Czerwinski, Peter Newcombe, Delin Li | Recorded March 13, 2024
Unlike conventional alloys, high-entropy alloys (HEAs) have no single dominant element and typically use five or more metals mixed in roughly equiatomic proportions. This group of alloy is also referred to as multi-principal element alloys (MPEA) or complex concentrated alloys (CCA). HEAs can exhibit exceptional materials properties. In this work, a separate melting method was employed to cast large ingots of Al-contained HEAs such as AlCoCrFeNi and AlCoCrFeNi2.1. The HEA samples were subsequently processed through forging, hot rolling, and vacuum arc remelting to explore new microstructures and material properties.
Reducing Purging Times for a Turbo Volute Core, Optimizing Quality and Tool Life
Mauricio Velazquez | Recorded February 28, 2024
Often times in the process of making volute cores for turbo chargers, both phases of shooting and curing become challenging with the potential to create surface defects in the casting surfaces. These core cavities have limited venting points due to casting surface requirements to avoid creating deficiencies in turbo performance. This venting limitation is often solved just for the sand shooting phase, so then the purging process becomes the bottle neck and most expensive part of the process.
Impact of OSHA's New E-Recordkeeping Changes on U.S. Metalcasters
Aaron Gelb, Valerie Butera | Recorded February 1, 2024
In July of 2023, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a final rule that significantly amends its occupational injury and illness recordkeeping regulation. How does this impact foundries and metalcasting suppliers?
In this webinar you will learn about:
- New recordkeeping changes for 2024 including:
- Impact on foundries and industry suppliers
- Requirements for submission of OSHA’s 300 and 301 forms
- Best practices for ensuring compliance with OSHA Recordkeeping
- Enforcement efforts related to injury & illness recordkeeping
Automated Method to Quantify Dendrite Arm Spacing in Aluminum Alloys
Sabrina Goumache, Qigui Wang, Adam Rabe | Recorded January 30, 2024
Explore the transformative impact of automated Dendrite Arm Spacing quantification. Discover how this innovation not only accelerates the analysis process, but also ensures unparalleled accuracy to reach highest efficiency in your manufacturing process.
EPA, OSHA and Public Policy Advocacy Webinar - January 2024
Jeff Hannapel, Stephanie Salmon | Recorded January 10, 2024
Attention AFS Corporate Members, please plan to join AFS Washington-based policy advocates Jeff Hannapel and Stephanie Salmon, along with CEO Doug Kurkul, for a timely update on the key EPA, OSHA, tax, trade, Buy America, infrastructure and workforce issues. These issues have millions of dollars of implications for metalcasters. We’ll keep you apprised of the latest developments, the outlook, and the advocacy work AFS is doing to improve the outcomes.
Dynamic Testing and Analytics from Working Green Sand Systems
Sam Ramrattan, Lee Wells | Recorded December 13, 2023
Green sand control is a conundrum because there exists a wide array of factors, such as water, clay, additives, sand grain surface etc. that continuously fluctuate during a foundry’s day-to-day operations. Foundry engineers have long known that baseline standard green sand properties test provide limited information for green sand control.
2022 Foundry Safety Data: A Deeper Dive
Ted Schorn | Recorded January 9, 2024
Last year the Bureau of Labor Statistics chose to put many of detailed descriptions of recordables and lost time incidents on an every-other-year schedule. This year this data is scheduled to be released, helping us get a better look at safety data in our post-Covid world. We’ll use this information to look at our long-term trends and support a series of suggested actions for improvement within the foundry industry.
Ductile Iron Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Yongxian Zhu | Recorded December 12, 2023
This webinar will discuss parametric cradle-to-gate Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tool for ductile iron casting to help the industry reduce its environmental impacts and to help product designers make informed material selection decisions. The model is developed based on input from the literature, physics-based extrapolations, and recent material and energy data from 11 U.S. foundries representing 26% of the U.S. non-pipe ductile iron industry.
Dimensional Tolerance Assessment Using 3D Printed Sand Casting Process
Jiten Shah | Recorded November 14, 2023
The use of 3D printed sand (3DPS) casting process is growing in the production environment, and the initial feedback is comparable to the precise sand casting processes. The adoption of the 3DPS is seen mainly with the hybrid approach, where the mold is made with the conventional green sand process and the complex core assembly is redesigned with a three-piece consolidated core using 3DPS. Very little is studied and known in the public domain about the dimensional tolerances achieved with this toolingless precision sand casting process, especially the potential of achieving much better true position and internal feature tolerances.
Designing for Lost Foam Castings
Mark DeBruin | Recorded November 9, 2023
In this webinar, we will go over the benefits of lost foam which can include large cost savings. Castings can be redesigned from the existing machined drawing or a complete component redesign. Design for Lost Foam topics included:
- Design for guidelines and how lost foam can break the “rules” you may have learned
- Redesigning from existing Machined component
- Dimensional tolerances
- Determining what needs machined if needed
- “Impossible shape” examples
- Part consolidation
- Lightweighting
- Tooling considerations vs. the use of Additive Manufacturing Evaporative Casting
Update on OSHA's Development of a National Heat Stress Rule & Impact on US Metalcasters
Earl Miller | Recorded November 2, 2023
As part of its ongoing heat illness prevention rulemaking effort, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) released various options for inclusion in a proposed rule to address heat injury and illness prevention in outdoor and indoor work settings in August. At the same time, as part of its mandatory Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) process, OSHA held a series of videoconferences with Small Entity Representatives (SERs) in mid-September. Earl represented metalcasters on OSHA’s SBREFA panel and will provide an in-depth overview of the panel discussions and OSHA’s heat illness proposal that will likely be the basis of a final heat stress rulemaking.
This webinar will cover:
- Overview of OSHA’s proposed options that OSHA is considering for a potential standard, including the administrative and engineering controls
- What to do with Wet-Bulb-Globe-Temps, and why is WBGT more applicable than Heat Index?
- Discuss foundry specific measurements and strategies
- Summary of OSHA’s National Emphasis Program on Heat Stress and enforcement actions
Ruby Anniversary Lecture: Theoretical & Practical Aspects of the Modification of Al-Si Alloys
Geoffrey Sigworth | Recorded October 31, 2023
Several methods have been used to modify Al-Si casting alloys. The history of their use is considered, together with the important technical and commercial reasons why some are no longer used. The benefits and possible disadvantages of each modifier are also considered, and recommendations are given for best practices.
EPA, OSHA and Public Policy Advocacy Webinar - October
Jeff Hannapel, Stephanie Salmon, Doug Kurkul | Recorded October 12, 2023
Join AFS Washington-based policy advocates Jeff Hannapel and Stephanie Salmon, along with CEO Doug Kurkul, for a timely update on the key EPA, OSHA, tax, trade, Buy America, infrastructure and workforce issues. These issues have millions of dollars of implications for metalcasters. We’ll keep you apprised of the latest developments, the outlook, and the advocacy work AFS is doing to improve the outcomes.
The Supply Chain is Not Going to Get Better: What Metalcasters Need to Know
Dennis Unkovic | Recorded September 13, 2023
Presented by attorney Dennis Unkovic (Meyer, Unkovic & Scott), is “The Supply Chain is Not Going to Get Better: What Metalcasters Need to Know.” And yes, reshoring is critically important in this dangerous environment.
Property & Casualty Insurance Insights
Katie Hensley & Matt Murray | Recorded August 22, 2023
Metalcasters already know that foundry property and casualty insurance is becoming harder to secure. What percentage rate increase should you budget for? How early should you start the renewal process? What are the current trends about carriers and availability? These are crucial questions for foundry leaders.
Disposable, Wireless Sensors for 3D Sand Printing
Eric MacDonald | Recorded August 17, 2023
Research on the curing time of printed molds, including the aging, requires more exploration. This study describes the experiments of 3D printed specimens in which embedded environmental sensors were fully encapsulated into sand blocks during an interruption of the binder jetting process. Humidity, volatile organic compound generation, temperature and barometric pressure were captured for three environmental treatments.
Top 5 OSHA Enforcement Issues Your Foundry Needs to Be Aware of
Ed Foulke, Brent Charlton, Stephanie Salmon | Recorded July 18, 2023
OSHA has been staffing up and ramping up inspections and enforcement generally, and especially enforcement of:
- NEP on Heat Illness & Update on Draft Rule
- Injury and illness recordkeeping and reporting requirements
- OSHA's Per-Instance Enforcement Policy
- Severe Violator Enforcement Program
- NEP for Fall Protection
Earlier this year, OSHA revealed big changes to its Instance-by-Instance Citation Policy. This change is the big hammer in the toolbox and promises to be a game changer for OSHA enforcement.
Our panelists Ed Foulke, former OSHA Administrator and Partner, Fisher Phillips, and Brent Charlton, Safety Director, Metal Technologies and AFS Safety Committee Chair, will provide an overview of these key OSHA enforcement issues, as well as an update on pending rulemakings that will impact the U.S. metalcasting industry.
Policy Issues Affecting Metalcasters - July
Jeff Hannapel, Stephanie Salmon | Recorded July 13, 2023
Join AFS Washington-based policy advocates Jeff Hannapel and Stephanie Salmon for a timely update on the key EPA, OSHA, tax, trade, Buy America, infrastructure and workforce issues. These issues have millions of dollars of implications for metalcasters. We’ll keep you apprised of the latest developments, the outlook, and the advocacy work AFS is doing to improve the outcomes.
How to Maximize AFS Corporate Membership Benefits
Ben Yates | Recorded July 11, 2023
Join Ben Yates, AFS VP of Marketing and Business Development, for a review of the advantages built into the AFS Corporate Membership and learn how to leverage it to your advantage across your entire organization. Ben will review how Corporate Membership differs from Individual Membership, Products, Services, Affinity Programs, Customer Acquisition, and more.
Foundry Emissions Benchmarking Database
Craig Schmeisser | Recorded June 27, 2023
There is limited information available to the public on emissions from iron and steel foundries. Join Craig Schmeisser as he shows us the results from his recently completed AFS Research Project and demonstrates how to navigate through the emissions database.
Effect of Boron in Cast Iron
Laura Bartlett | Recorded June 20, 2023
Boron has been shown to cause issues in the cast iron foundries by causing a decrease in the strength of pearlitic gray and ductile iron castings. Because of the increase in the use of boron-added steel scrap from automotive steel and a lack of agreement on the critical levels of boron in cast iron, foundries are facing difficulties in controlling the microstructure of gray iron castings when boron is present. The current investigation was designed to analyze the effects of boron in ASTM A48 class 20, 30 and 40 gray irons, determine the mechanism by which boron affects the microstructure, and to find effective ways to mitigate and/or control the amount and effect of boron in cast iron
Effectively Sourcing Foundry Partners on AFS Supplier Marketplace
Ben Yates | Recorded May 25, 2023
Learn how to make sourcing decisions easier and more efficiently with the AFS Supplier Marketplace, an interactive directory of foundry supplier partners. This webinar will review the features of this online resource that allows foundry professionals to search for companies by product category, location, name or keyword.
2023 IJMC-FEF Student Research Competition
Georgia Southern University
Design and Construction of a Testing Apparatus for Measuring Multi-Axial Wall Movement During SGI Solidification - Noah Brack
Ohio State University
Towards a Fully Recycled Aluminum Alloy for Automotive Applications - Connor Sims, Ben Sorkin, and Cory Lange
Texas State University
3D Printed Sand Molds Using Selective Powder Deposition - Ryan Rios
University of Missouri S&T
Loss of Kinetic Zone Pressure Causes Mold Wall Collapse During Filling Across a Glue Joint in Lost Foam Casting - Keaton Allen
Re-manufacturing of Military Castings on the Battlefield - Ben Hilgers
Effects of Casting Defects on Distortion in High Intensity Quench Systems' - Jackson Piontek
Analysis of Next Generation Bearing Steels - Justin Singleton
University of Northern Iowa
Monitoring Curing Effectiveness of Chemically Bonded Sand Molds using Embedded Sensors - Jacob O'Dell and Josh Kowalsky
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
The Effect of Cooling Rate on the Microstructure and Physical Properties of Hypereutectic Al-Ce Alloys - Jenna Van Hoogstraten
Virginia Tech
The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Mechanical and Physical Properties of a Low Carbon FeMnAlSiC Steel - Anna Carnahan, Sophia Stivala
Western Michigan University
Fast Moisture and VOC Test - Andrew Higgins, Dagmawit Lamango, and Zachary Tay
Conformal Cooling of Permanent Molds: Opportunities and Challenges
Carl Soderhjelm | Recorded May 9, 2023
Conformal cooling of permanent molds has been utilized for over a decade in the injection molding and high pressure die casting industry. Greater availability, more material choices, and drop in prices of metal additive manufactured components enables industry wide adaption. The nature of many additive manufacturing process allows for almost complete design freedom in terms of cooling line size, shape, and placement. Design and manufacturing opportunities and challenges of conformal cooling of permanent molds for casting applications will be discussed.
What to Expect at Metalcasting Congress 2023
Doug Kurkul, Mike Lakas, Ben Yates | Recorded April 12, 2023
Get a sneak peek at everything Metalcasting Congress 2023 has to offer during this preview webinar for attendees, exhibitors, students and anyone interested in learning more about North America’s largest metalcasting trade show and congress.
Policy Issues Affecting Metalcasters - April 6
Doug Kurkul, Jeff Hannapel, Stephanie Salmon | Recorded April 6, 2023
Join AFS Washington-based policy advocates Jeff Hannapel and Stephanie Salmon, along with CEO Doug Kurkul, and learn about the top issues moving forward in Washington impacting metalcasters, including:
- EPA’s proposed PM 2.5 NAAQS rule
- Permit Reform
- Tax increases from President’s Budget Proposal & AFS’ Push on tax extenders – Small Business Deduction permanency, R&D, bonus depreciation
- New OSHA enforcement initiatives
Additively Manufactured Tooling Inserts
Ante Lausic | Recorded March 23, 2023
Die casting has benefitted from the explosion of additive manufacturing technologies and processes over the last decade. From inserts manufactured with complex conformal cooling channels inside, to methodologies to repair and repurpose scrap or worn tooling, methods to improve uptime and reduce scrap are evident. This presentation will serve to summarize the current state of the art with metal AM production.
Greenhouse Gas Accounting For Foundries Part 2: Calculation Procedures
Wesley Fleming, Albert Chung | Recorded February 7, 2023
This webinar is the second in a two-part webinar series on greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting for the foundry industry. This webinar will focus on Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG calculation procedures, GHG inventory development, and demonstration of available calculation tools, including the AFS GHG Emission Estimating Tool.
Greenhouse Gas Accounting for Foundries Part 1: Introduction, Methodology & Reduction
Wesley Fleming, Albert Chung | Recorded January 31, 2023
This webinar is the first in a two-part webinar series on greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting for the foundry industry. In the first webinar, participants will be introduced to the terminology and methodology used in GHG accounting, verification, and reporting. The webinar will include discussions of Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions and GHG emission inventories. Finally, the webinar will cover GHG reduction and decarbonization strategies at metalcasting facilities.
Cast-In Inserts in Aluminum Compound Castings
Kaustubh Rane | Recorded January 24, 2023
Cast-in aluminum matrix composite inserts in aluminum castings appear to be a promising avenue for increasing the performance of aluminum castings and offers a lightweight alternative to more traditional ferrous inserts. Recent research on cast-in inserts in aluminum alloy castings has been critically reviewed. The role of the parameters including discontinuities in physical and mechanical properties across the insert casting interface, bond and load transfer at the insert-casting interface, differences in coefficient of thermal expansion, and the surface finish and alloying at inserts have been discussed. Additionally, a case study for cast-in insert of a fiber reinforced aluminum composite in the matrix of A206 is described. Heat and fluid flow conditions were simulated so that optimum casting parameters could be predicted. Limited experiments on the nature of the interface and cooling curve measurements are presented along with the anticipated improvements in the properties of A206 alloys because of MMC inserts.
Policy Issues Affecting Metalcasters
Doug Kurkul, Jeff Hannapel, Stephanie Salmon | Recorded January 20, 2023
AFS Washington-based policy advocates Jeff Hannapel and Stephanie Salmon, along with CEO Doug Kurkul, for a timely update on the key EPA, OSHA, tax, trade, Buy America, infrastructure and workforce issues. These issues have millions of dollars of implications for metalcasters. We’ll keep you apprised of the latest developments, the outlook, and the advocacy work AFS is doing to improve the outcomes.
Leveraging AFS to Enhance Your Team and Strengthen Our Industry
Brad Muller, Pete Satre, Emily Shedlarski, Jay Morrison, Tom Bye | Recorded January 13, 2023
Ever wonder how to get the most from you AFS membership? This webinar panel discussion chaired by AFS Vice President Brad Muller (Charlotte Pipe & Foundry) and featuring Pete Satre (Allied Mineral Products), Emily Shedlarski (Simpson Technologies), Jay Morrison (Carpenter Brothers) and Tom Bye (Dotson Iron Castings) as they discuss how to leverage AFS to benefit their company and their own careers.
Heat Treatments to Develop High-Strength Ferritic Ductile Iron
Richard Gundlach | Recorded December 13, 2022
Recent research has shown that grain refinement can also be accomplished through intercritical (IC) heat treatment. In those studies, a fine-grained mixture of acicular martensite, or acicular pearlite, in ferrite can be produced by heating to and cooling from a temperature just below the upper critical temperature. Laboratory heat treatment experiments demonstrated that a combination of high strength and high tensile elongation could be achieved by this technique. Zinardi reported similar microstructures and mechanical properties for an “IDI” (isothermal ductile iron) alloy using a proprietary heat treatment method.
Progress after Covid: 2021 BLS Foundry Safety Trends
Ted Schorn | Recorded December 6, 2022
Using injury and illness data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we’ll examine the long term trends in industry safety performance and the continuing impact of Covid and other disruptions. The webinar will take time to examine the details of lost time injury and illness to derive suggested improvement paths for the industry. Comparisons will be made to all private manufacturing as a reference. The 2021 data becomes available in early to mid-November of 2022 so this webinar will be a first look at the latest available information. The goal of this webinar is to reinforce the enduring principles on which effective safety performance rests through data-driven feedback.
Proposed Changes by OSHA, California & Washington State to the Federal Lead Rule & Impact on Foundries
Roger Miksad | Recorded November 30, 2022
OSHA is beginning its rulemaking process for the agency to revise its standards for occupational exposure to lead. The general industry lead standard is one of the agency’s older rules, established in 1978.
At the same time, California and Washington state have proposed dozens of significant revisions to the federal lead regulation, including significantly lower Permissible Exposure Limits and Action Levels. OSHA is weighing revisions at the federal level to its lead standards.
During this session, Roger Miksad, Executive Vice President, and General Counsel, Battery Council International, will provide a detailed overview of the OSHA, California and Washington proposals and potential impact on foundries and how you can prepare for these changes.
The Economics of Sand 3D Printing
Kirk Keithly | Recorded November 29, 2022
Binder jet 3D printing is revolutionizing sandcasting & enabling complex cores that can’t be produced any other way and organic rigging designs that help significantly decrease scrap rates. Foundries embracing the digital workflow are expanding business by offering rapid prototyping with easy design iterations, fast turnarounds without tooling lead times, and decreased scrap rates. When evaluating the additive manufacturing process, foundries must look at its upstream and downstream effects. How quickly can you start pouring pieces? How can you get parts moving into the supply chain faster? How can you improve rigging to ensure successful pours? How can you improve quality and reduce downstream operations? We’ll explore the economics of integrating a digital workflow with 3D printing through case studies of successful applications that got product to market faster, made locally, and with fewer labor requirements.
Mid-Term Election Results and Impact on Metalcasters
Jim Ellis, Doug Kurkul | Recorded November 15, 2022
The mid-term elections will have enormous implications for metalcasters in 2023-2024 on issues including energy, environmental policy, taxation, safety, trade and Buy America. Plan to join Jim Ellis, the senior political analyst for BIPAC (the Business Industry Political Action Committee), and AFS CEO Doug Kurkul for a discussion about the election results and what they mean for manufacturers generally and metalcasters specifically.
How Any Foundry Can Diversify Into Lost Foam Casting at Negligible Cost
Sarah Jordan | Recorded November 10, 2022
This presentation will address the idea that lost foam is unsuitable for small volumes. Many hold the incorrect belief that lost foam casting requires expensive tooling and specialized equipment. They then assume that this large upfront investment in tooling and equipment has to be amortized across large production volumes. However, lost foam casting can be done by machining foam and manual compaction. This method still maintains the tight dimensional tolerances of lost foam casting. Typically, 0.002 inch per inch tolerance (0.05 mm/mm) plus the machined foam tolerance. Process details on how any foundry can diversify into lost foam casting are shared. The design benefits of lost foam including the latest research showing the ability for as cast threads are covered.
Does Your Website Follow the Perfect Customer Lifecycle?
Anthony Cassara | Recorded November 2, 2022
In this dynamic webinar, Anthony will present the stages of The Perfect Customer Lifecycle. He will offer real-world customer examples on how you can self-audit, compare, and measure your website against your business competition.
Regardless of how basic or advanced your current website and online presence is, you will benefit from understanding the proven process that compels a prospect to go from not knowing about your business to providing you outstanding reviews and referrals.
Incorporating 3D Printing Into Your Foundry
Phillip Messing | Recorded November 1, 2022
This webinar will present the experiences of three different companies in acquiring and setting up 3D printers in their operations. The focus will be on using printers to print patterns, not molds. The presenters will review how it has helped them and lessons learned.
Lost Foam Stainless Steel
Marshall Miller | Recorded October 25, 2022
This webinar is an update to an AFS research project. The purpose of this project is to scientifically produce ASTM A351 Grade CF8M, one of the most widely used stainless steels in the pump and valve industry, so that the lost foam process can pursue the market. Much of which is now produced overseas in investment, no-bake and shell molding processes.
2022 Hoyt Memorial Lecture, 7 Keys to Long-Term Success: Lessons from a 50-Year Career
Jean Bye | Recorded October 18, 2022
Industry veteran Jean Bye, former CEO of Dotson Iron Castings, presented the 2022 Hoyt Memorial Lecture on “Seven Keys to Long-Term Success: Lessons From a 50-Year Career. ” Plan to join us for this pre-recorded repeat presentation in which Bye will explore what she learned about continuous improvement, defeating biases, building up employees, choosing the right battles, and more.
How To Improve Foundry Productivity and Employee Wellness With Onsite Clinics
John Workman, Reid DeJonge | Recorded September 27, 2022
Eagle Alloy, a foundry based in West Michigan, started an onsite health clinic in 2015 to improve health care access, curb rising costs, and invest in the wellness and productivity of their employees. In this AFS Webinar, hear from John Workman, co-chairman of Eagle Alloy on how the services provided at their onsite health clinic has helped Eagle Alloy improve their operations and navigate the challenges of COVID.
Spotlight on Women in Metalcasting Award Winners
Michelle Ring, Lizeth Medina-Balliet, Maria Alverio | Recorded September 22, 2022
Medina-Balliet, 2022 Women in Metalcasting Award for Excellence recipient, and Maria Alverio, 2022 Jean Bye Women in Metalcasting Scholarship recipient. Lizeth and Maria will discuss their career paths and experiences in the metalcasting industry.
Casting Connection How-To
Katie Matticks | Recorded September 15, 2022
This video will tackle the basics of logging into Casting Connection, how to post questions, polls, and discussion threads, as well as locating group rosters.
Inspection with 3D Scanning
JD Schaumberg, Cade Hill | Recorded August 31, 2022
Information on the use of 3D scanning to assist with casting design, analysis of failed parts and better understanding of machining needs for castings.
OSHA's Increased Focus on Heat-Related Hazards & What it Means for US Foundries
Ed Foulke | Recorded August 24, 2022
Temperatures are high in much of the country and will remain so for months. When employees are required to work in hot temperatures, especially in the spring and summer, serious heat-related illnesses can develop. Left unchecked, heat-related illnesses can result in serious medical issues including death. Protecting workers from heat hazards is a top priority for the metalcasting industry.
This webinar will discuss:
- How OSHA has ramped up investigations into heat-related injuries in the workplace including foundries;
- The requirements and enforcement of the new National Emphasis Program (NEP) for indoor and outdoor heat-related hazards;
- What OSHA will be looking for during a heat inspection;
- Importance of a written program
- Common contributions to heat stress, characteristics and treatment of several heat-related illnesses, and how to prevent heat stress in employees;
- Information that must be included in employee and management training in order to effectively implement a heat stress program, and
- Status of OSHA’s heat illness rulemaking process.
Fundamentals of Heat Treating for Cast Aluminum
Jon Dossett | Recorded August 23, 2022
The heat treatment of aluminum castings – specifically the precipitation hardening treatment - is simple but can be complicated, if one does not pay attention to the critical details of fixturing, temperature control, transfer time to quench, artificial aging, aging, etc. The critical factors are reviewed to give the participants a better understanding of this important properties improvement process.
OSHA Begins Process to Revise Its Standards for Occupational Exposure to Lead
Richard Smith | Recorded July 28, 2022
OSHA has begun the process of revising its standards for occupational exposure to lead for general industry and construction, which will impact some non-ferrous foundries. The agency’s advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) published on June 28 stems from recent medical research findings that adverse health effects in adults can occur at lower blood lead levels than those required by the agency’s current standards.
The agency is seeking input from interested stakeholders on over 60 questions including reducing the current blood lead level triggers in the medical removal protection and medical surveillance provisions of its current lead standards. The agency is also asking for comments related to how current ancillary provisions in the standards could be modified to reduce workers’ blood lead levels. Another area OSHA seeks input on is whether it should consider reducing its current permissible exposure limit of 50 µg/m3 of lead over an eight-hour time-weighted average or its action level of 30 µg/m3.
Investigating the Effects of Turbulent Gating on C89833 Material
Andy Shea | Recorded June 28, 2022
Brass foundries have typically seen an increase in scrap rates due to castings failing leak testing since the conversion from leaded brass alloys to no-lead brass alloys. In most cases, foundries have not made significant changes to the gating systems to address this issue with no-lead alloys. While turbulent gating systems may not have been associated with scrap issues with leaded alloys, they may be contributing to the struggles of making pressure-tight no-lead castings. This is an investigation of the effect that turbulent gating systems have on C89833 low-lead brass alloy.
A Global Foundry Update from the WFO
Carsten Kuhlgatz | Recorded June 24, 2022
Carsten Kuhlgatz, President of the World Foundry Organization, interviewed by Doug Kurkul, CEO of AFS. Kuhlgatz discusses world foundry industry economic conditions, the upcoming World Foundry Summit, a number of compelling WFO initiatives, plus GIFA 2023.
Flash Prediction through Mold Distortion Simulations
Johnathan Corkery | Recorded June 7, 2022
Thermal distortion simulation has played a large role in identifying possible issues in the casting process. Despite the benefits of mold distortion simulations, flash remains a problem for casting manufacturers. It has been demonstrated that, using sufficiently accurate, yet cost-effective, mold distortion simulations for multiple mold sections in conjunction with proper sets of simulation parameters, the areas most prone to flash can be identified. With further analysis, the areas of flash can be ranked in severity and visualized so that the process and mold can be engineered to reduce post-processing and machining costs. Using this process, a strong correlation between flash predicted in the simulation and that created in the casting process was observed.
OSHA's National Emphasis Program on Outdoor and Indoor Heat-Related Hazards
Brent Charlton | Recorded May 26, 2022
What Does OSHA's New Laser Focus Enforcement Program for Heat Illness Mean for Foundries?
On April 8, 2022, OSHA launched a new national emphasis program targeting over 70 high-risk industries where heat-related hazards may exist, including foundries. In this webinar, Brent Charlton, Safety Director, Metal Technologies will provide an overview of the provisions of the new national emphasis program, discuss the key elements of a heat illness and injury prevention program and training program, and offer strategies for avoiding heat-related citations.
A Novel Approach to Thermal Processing Development for Precision Sand Casting Process in Aluminum 319 Alloy
Robert MacKay | Recorded May 24, 2022
Most aluminum alloy castings require a thermal processing stage to provide the requisite mechanical properties and dimensional stability. Thermal processing also has a significant impact on machining characteristics, ensuring that casting sections to be machined are not too brittle (causing excessive tool wear), or too soft (tool metal buildup and larger burrs).
This presentation will demonstrate how a novel development of the heat treat process will better assess the effective age temperature on yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, plastic elongation and engine block crack susceptibility during cryogenic cycling. Critical to this study is also understanding the furnaces performance characteristics in terms of temperature gradients and the use of the Thermal Uniformity Survey (TUS) concept as outlined by the CQI-9 protocol.
Iron Casting Conversion Case Study
Mark Mundell | Recorded May 10, 2022
This case study discusses the process and details on a steel fabrication that was converted into a ductile iron casting.
Using Industry 4.0 in the No-Bake Foundry
Wil Tinker | Recorded Apr. 5, 2022
The all-encompassing Smart Factory may be out of reach for many businesses but by choosing the elements and technologies that suit your business, giving you the immediate benefits, there is no reason not to invest.
Steel Melting in Coreless Induction Furnaces: Refractory Challenges & Experiences
Brad Meibers | Recorded Mar. 22, 2022
An overview of refractory properties and factors to help control refractory performance in coreless induction furnaces and best practices that will benefit your refractory lining.
CastExpo 2022 Preview
Doug Kurkul, Mike Lakas, Ben Yates | Recorded Mar. 2, 2022
Get a sneak peek at everything CastExpo 2022 has to offer during this preview webinar for attendees, exhibitors, and anyone interested in learning more about North America’s largest metalcasting trade show and congress.
Presented by AFS CEO Doug Kurkul, Senior Vice President of IT & Operations Mike Lakas, and Vice President of Marketing & Business Development Ben Yates, this free webinar will cover:
- Show Highlights
- Registration
- Exhibits
- Hotels and Housing
- Sponsorship Opportunities
- Technical Sessions
- Management Sessions
Root-cause Analysis & Problem Solving of Shrink Defects in Aluminum Alloy
Sritama Kar | Recorded Feb. 22, 2022
In order to investigate the root cause of shrink defects in aluminum alloy A319, the solidification rate of this alloy in the sand molds prepared by a Cold Box system, has been studied. The present study is focused on the contribution of the individual components of a typical Cold Box sand Mold, at their various levels and their impact on the solidification rate within a certain temperature range of the A319 alloy.
How to be Prepared for an OSHA Inspection
Phillip B. Russell, Dee Anna D. Hays | Recorded Feb. 7, 2022
Each year, OSHA conduct thousands of inspections, including hundreds in the foundry industry — resulting in millions of dollars in fines. In the state of Michigan alone, over 10 foundries had wall-to-all inspections from March to October 2021. OSHA fines are increased annually based on cost of living adjustments Beginning Jan. 15, 2022, OSHA’s maximum penalties for serious and other-than-serious violations will increase from $13,653 per violation to $14,502 per violation. The maximum penalty for willful or repeated violations will increase from $136,532 per violation to $145,027 per violation. More than even ensure your foundry is inspection-ready
Lost Foam Stainless Steel
Marshall Miller | Recorded Feb. 3, 2022
An update on the AFS Research Project: Lost Foam Process Stainless Steel ASTM A351 CF8M.
The 2022 Economic Outlook for Manufacturing
Chad Moutray | Recorded Jan. 25, 2022
The new year begins with a growing economy and strong demand for manufactured goods, tempered by major challenges including shortages of workers and materials, the fastest inflation in 31 years, and ongoing effects of Covid-19. Helping us evaluate where the economy is headed will be Chad Moutray, Ph.D. Chad is the Chief Economist for the National Association of Manufacturers and Director of the Center for Manufacturing Research. Chad, one of the nation’s most respected and most quoted economists, has a Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University. He joined AFS in 2011, after previously serving at the Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy. Following his virtual presentation, Chad will field questions from AFS CEO Doug Kurkul and webinar participants.
Industry Challenges for Women's PPE
Laura Biggerstaff | Recorded Jan. 20, 2022
Laura Biggerstaff from Iron Elk LLC discusses the challenges and opportunities in the safety apparel market, specifically focusing on the lack of safety apparel for women. Ways in which companies can begin integrating these products in their workforce are also discussed.
Hot Tearing Susceptibility of Al-Zn Alloys
Kumar Sadayappan, Sumanth Shankar | Recorded Jan. 18, 2022
Hot Tearing Susceptibility (HTS) of aluminum alloys was investigated using a constrained rod hot tearing test apparatus. The test apparatus and procedure were validated using Al-Cu alloy. Subsequently, the test was used to characterize new structural Al-Zn alloys being developed for high pressure die casting application. The behavior was compared with that of Al-Si-Mg alloys. It was found that introducing small amounts of Fe that promotes evolution of eutectic phases could alleviate the hot tearing problem of Al-Zn alloys. In this publication, the details of the investigation are present and discussed.
Metalmorphasis: Change and Transition
Tom Prucha | Recorded Jan. 6, 2022
Some changes are the result of biology and the passage of time, within the natural cycle or order of things. Others are self-generated, under our own control and resulting from willful efforts, or dependent upon encounters with significant others—family, friends, colleagues, and others close to us. Still, other changes occur because of circumstance or fate, a proverbial "date with destiny" and often beyond what we feel is our control. Whether it is our personal life or occupational, like metalcasting, this change can facilitate transition and transformation. I have coined the term metalmorphasis and this lecture as a reflection on how to embrace change, recognize the opportunities presented and then utilize it as a vehicle for new beginnings. This is not just a philosophical dissertation, but also a look how we as metallurgist and metalcasters practice the application and control of input variables (time, temperature, pressure, chemical ingredients, reactions, etc.) to change and transform metals, creating a metalmorphasis.
2020 Safety Data and the Year of COVID: What Does It Tell Foundries?
Ted Schorn | Recorded Dec. 7, 2021
Using injury and illness data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we’ll examine the long term trends in industry safety performance and the impact of Covid and other disruptions. The webinar will take time to examine the details of lost time injury and illness to derive suggested improvement paths for the industry. Comparisons will be made to all private manufacturing as a reference. The 2020 data becomes available in early to mid-November of 2021 so this webinar will be a first look at the latest available information. The goal of this webinar is not merely to satisfy our curiosity about the impact of “crazy 2020” but to reinforce the enduring principles on which effective safety performance rests through data-driven feedback.
Trade Update – Latest on Buy American & The Biden Administration Trade Agenda
Adam Gordon, Matthew Renkey | Recorded Nov. 18, 2021
Please join us for a webinar presented by Adam Gordon and Matthew Renkey of The Bristol Group, a boutique Washington, DC law firm specializing in complex international trade cases challenging unfairly traded imports. The change in Administrations at the start of the year brought a marked change in tone to U.S. trade policy and practice, but perhaps not as great or sudden a change in substance as one might believe. Ten months into the Biden Administration, the pro-enforcement policies implemented during the Trump Administration remain in place, at least for the time being. We will review the current status of the Biden trade agenda, the future of existing tariffs on dozens of Chinese castings, and what changes we can expect for federal procurement and Buy American policy, leaving plenty of time for questions and discussion.
OSHA’s COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard & the Impact on US Metalcasting Industry
Bill Wahoff | Recorded Nov. 11, 2021
OSHA just published on Nov. 5, 2021 a new Emergency Temporary Standard requiring employers, including metalcasters and their suppliers, with 100 or more employees to ensure all employees are either vaccinated or taking weekly COVID-19 tests. What exactly do metalcasters and suppliers need to do? When does the standard take effect? Are there paid leave requirements? Will the ETS be expanded to employers with fewer than 100 workers? Join Bill Wahoff, attorney at Steptoe & Johnson, for a webinar to provide a detailed overview and answer your questions and provide practical steps employers are taking to comply with this new rule.
Distributed Fiber Optic Temp and Measurement for Foundry Applications
Ronald O'Malley, Jie Huang | Recorded Nov. 2, 2021
Fiber optics sensing of temperature, strain and position offers many benefits, such as immunity to electromagnetic interference, highly distributed measurement capabilities, minimally invasive installation requirements, and low cost. Our presentation will review recent advances in high temperature fiber optic sensing technologies being investigated at Missouri S&T for use in a range of foundry industry applications.
The Current Trends in Manufacturing 4.0
David Vasko | Recorded Oct. 26, 2021
David Vasko explains the steps in current trends in Manufacturing 4.0 from digitization within a manufacturing facility, the lack of connectivity or “the hidden factory” to changing workforce generations and how a company can leverage tools for continuous innovation.
Trends in Reducing Weight in Metalcasting
Andrew Halonen | Recorded Oct. 13, 2021
Motivations for lightweighting with metal castings stem from a variety reasons, usually to improve vehicle performance or to reduce cost. Vehicle electrification will create new opportunities across the vehicle. The author reached globally for examples in lightweighting, and includes enabling technologies & materials. Think beyond the monolithic material; there are opportunities to grow casting sales by integrating with other materials.
The History and Evolution of Inoculants
Cathrine Hartung | Recorded Sep. 21, 2021
In this presentation, the history and evolution of inoculation will be presented along with a description of the common understanding of what is an inoculant, how the effect and performance of an inoculant can be measured, and what factors can affect inoculation performance.
The Value of Scrap, Rework and Yield at Steel Foundries
Roy Stevenson | Recorded Sep. 8, 2021
This webinar will demonstrate the importance of being able to answer the question, “what is 1% scrap, 1 % rework and 1% yield worth for your foundry?”. Data from scrap, rework and yield improvement case studies, along with scenarios from a cost calculator tool will be presented to highlight the potential for savings within each of these categories. By knowing these potential savings foundries are better able to target projects, continuous improvement initiatives and capital investments that will provide the largest return on investment. The cost calculator scenarios and case studies will be focused on steel, stainless steel and high alloy foundries, however, the concepts demonstrated can be applied to all foundries, regardless of the alloy being poured.
Cannabis, Opiates, and Workplace Safety
Adele L. Abrams | Recorded Aug. 31, 2021
Attorney Adele L. Abrams (Law Office of Adele L. Abrams, P.C.) will provide metalcasters with an overview of the legal issues surrounding the use of cannabis and opiates by workers and how they affect workplace safety. As laws protecting adult us of both medical and recreational marijuana use spread, what does that mean for drug testing in foundries and safety-sensitive positions? Learn about this and other critical legal issues.
Discover the Mentor Inside Yourself
Marti Konstant | Recorded Aug. 10, 2021
Somewhere between being an apprentice and hiring a career coach lies the empowering land of mentors and mentees. Mentorship and the idea of working with a mentor is synonymous with success. This ideal relationship is elusive for many, due to overthinking what a mentor is and is not. Maybe you feel left out of this important rite of passage. Yet, you are not alone in this feeling. Over 80 percent of people interviewed for Marti Konstant’s book Activate Your Agile Career confessed they had no official mentor throughout their career. However, they all experienced mentor moments when they received valuable feedback. Like the time you were stuck with a pesky issue and you reached out to the one person who had solved a similar problem. And by being a mentor, you transform learners into leaders.
Navigating OSHA's Updating COVID-19 Guidance and Emergency Temporary Standard & Other Key OSHA Enforcement Initiatives
Brad Hammock | Recorded Aug. 5, 2021
In the wake of new outbreaks of COVID-19, remaining compliant and staying knowledgeable about OSHA’s updated guidance and enforcement program is critical to your metalcasting facility. In this webinar, attorney Brad Hammock, Co-Chair, Workplace Safety & Health (OSHA/MSHA) Practice Group, Littler, will discuss how OSHA's recently issued Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) updated guidance & National Emphasis Program impacts foundries, as well as practical tips for implementing (or revising) your existing COVID-19 protocols. You will also learn about new OSHA regulations being developed under the Biden Administration.
Brinell Hardness Testing Methods
Devin Hess | Recorded July 27, 2021
This presentation explores some of the issues that can arise when trying to compare between different hardness scales and when trying to convert from one test method to another and also offers some rationale for these limitations. The focus of this paper is limited to cast iron and aluminum engine components and the Brinell, Rockwell, and Equotip (commercial hardness tester, noted as “Product A”) test methods.
Predicting the Impact on Green Sand Emissions as a Function of the Concentration of Carbonaceous Additives
Liam Miller, Ray Vakili, Jason St. Onge & Dr. Zhen Wang | Recorded June 22, 2021
Commercial sands contain different concentrations and ratios of carbonaceous materials and bentonite clays that a given facility uses to prepare their molding sands. Design of Experiment methodology was used in combination with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to show that carbonaceous additives seacoal and causticized lignite in the bentonite-based pre-blend are statistically significant factors in predicting emissions output as measured using pyrolyzer Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (pyrolyzer/GC-MS) analytical methods. Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) were measured in a laboratory setting. A model was generated from the results of the ANOVA to predict emissions of molding sands as a function of their seacoal and causticized lignite concentrations.
AFS Corporate Member Advantage
Doug Kurkul, Ben Yates & Steve Robison | Recorded June 16, 2021
Explore the benefits of AFS Corporate Membership, including technical benefits and expertise, discounts, and other resources for growing your business with AFS.
Marketing to Manufacturer Representatives
Skylar Cardott | Recorded May 20, 2021
Learn how marketers can boost their companies' bottom lines by marketing directly to their own manufacturer sales reps. Get tips on effective communication within teams, how to create co-branded campaigns, and more.
Effect of Defect Size on Tensile Elongation in Aluminum Castings
Anthony Koprowski, Dr. Qigui Wang, Dr. Peggy Jones & Dr. Thomas Gustafson | Recorded May 14, 2021
In order to better understand the effect of defect size on tensile elongation, 4 groups of tensile specimens were collected and studied in this work from cast aluminum products made of different cast aluminum alloys and heat-treatments.
Casting Design and Process Optimization for Intelligent Manufacturing with Industry 4.0
Jiten Shah | Recorded March 23, 2021
This webinar explores an AMC/DLA funded research project, managed by AFS and led by PDA LLC, into Industry 4.0 technologies and their use for casting design and process optimization in the foundry.
Work-Life Balance: Perspectives and Real-Life Solutions
Alexandria Trusov, Kathy Hayrynen, Towanda Long, and Michelle Ring | Recorded March 2, 2021
Balancing your professional and personal life can be challenging, but it’s essential. Work-life balance is the state of equilibrium where a person equally prioritizes the demands of one's career and the demands of one's personal life. Moderator Alexandria Trusov (Alpha Resources Inc.) will kick off this webinar by asking 3 panelists – Kathy Hayrynen (Applied Process Inc), Towanda Long (Charlotte Pipe & Foundry), and Michelle Ring (American Colloid Co) – to introduce themselves and define what success looks like for them. From there panelists will field questions about their definitions, their support systems, and the implications of the pandemic.
USEPA's Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) and Electronic Data Tool (ERT)
Theresa Lowe & Kevin McGinn | Recorded February 18, 2021
Beginning on March 10, 2021, and thereafter, iron and steel foundries with reporting requirements associated with either the Foundry MACT or Foundry GACT (Area Source Rule) must begin using USEPA’s Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) and associated Electronic Data Tool (ERT) when submitting documents such as required notifications, semiannual compliance reports, semiannual visible emissions monitoring results, test plans and stack test reports. This webinar explains how to use CEDRI and ERT to submit these documents as well as offer tips.
Industry 4.0 Process Control & Traceability in the Foundry Industry
David Gilson | Recorded February 9, 2021
Industry 4.0 is transforming production methods through the digitization of manufacturing. To meet increasing demands for process efficiency, product traceability, and profitability, foundries must be able to measure every step of the production process. Learn how modern technology can identify and collect the traceable data needed for improvements in the casting process.
Metalcasting Congress 2021 Preview
Doug Kurkul, Ben Yates & Mike Lakas | Recorded February 2, 2021
Get an early look at the exciting opportunities coming to the all-new Virtual Metalcasting Congress 2021! Learn about exhibit options, registration, programming and more.
Application of AI in the Metal Casting Industry
Dr. Hathibelagal Roshan | Recorded Jan. 19, 2021
This webinar will explore the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in foundries.
New COVID-19 Relief Package: Key Provisions Impacting U.S. Metalcasters
Angela Styles & Zachary Rudisill | Recorded January 15, 2021
This webinar covers what's important for U.S. metalcasters to know about the coronavirus relief and government spending package.
Steel Casting Specifications
Mike Porfilio | Recorded December 15, 2020
Learn the latest insights for achieving high-quality steel castings. This webinar covers contract review, major factors of order specifications, material specifications, drawing requirements, and more.
Best of Congress 2020: Further Evaluating Iron Filter Print Designs
Tony Midea | Recorded December 8, 2020
With tighter customer requirements and new challenges in an ever-changing industrial landscape, many foundries have had to utilize new technologies in creative ways to improve their process quality, cost, and efficiency to compete in the global economy. Properly filtering iron castings involves utilizing the most optimally engineered filter print and gating system designs to ensure delivery of the cleanest and least turbulent metal to the mold cavity.
Achieving Crystalline Silica Compliance With a Payback - A Story of Enriched Water
Eric Nelson & E. Jay Zins | Recorded November 3, 2020
Join presenters Eric Nelson and Jay Zins of Dotson Iron Castings (Mankato, MN) as they discuss their system changes and approach to achieving compliance with the latest OSHA silica regulation. The team will cover system considerations, implementation and engineering as well as the challenges experienced in bringing the system online.
SEO 101: Beginners Guide to Search Engine Optimization
Caterina Romano & Matt Babiarz | Recorded September 30, 2020
Know your company needs to rank higher on Google, but not sure where to start? SEO is a science. And it’s squarely centered on user experience. Gone are the days of stuffing keywords into your copy to get a #1 Google ranking. Today, achieving sustained top-rankings for your content requires completely rethinking how you choose the content you write about in the first place, how you format and present the content, and how you methodically elevate awareness of the content.
Grain Refinement and Hydrogen Control of Cast Aluminum Alloys
Brian Began | Recorded September 15, 2020
Hear the latest developments in sand molds, permanent molds, and low pressure molds with aluminum alloys, and learn the latest advancements and case studies on the use of grain refining in cast aluminum alloys.
Best of Congress 2020: Thermal Analysis and Properties of 1030 with Mg & Ti Additions
Dr. Robert Tuttle | Recorded September 8, 2020
Learn about new research studying additions of titanium and magnesium on their own and together in 1030, and their effect on mechanical properties.
5 Ways to Get The Most Out of Your Media Coverage
Towanda Long | Recorded August 27, 2020
Media attention is good for your company; handling it well can earn you more positive attention. This webinar explores five ways to turn your 15 minutes of fame into much more.
Lessons Learned & New Development: OSHA's Crystalline Silica Rule 2 Years After Implementation
Brent Charlton, Kay Rowntree & Mary Kay Crowley | Recorded August 18, 2020
Looking at the OSHA silica rule in retrospect, this webinar will provide foundries with practical lessons learned about the silica standard and maintaining compliance.
Leadership & Career Development: A Case Study
Lindsay Hamner | Recorded August 13, 2020
This webinar will provide you with practical, actionable steps to navigate your professional journey, and further career development for you and others, while showing you how to foster a culture of learning and mentorship. Told through the narrative of the presenter and her experience in coursework focusing on personal career development, leadership skills, and mentoring.
Employer Branding is for Everyone
Sara Timm | Recorded July 30, 2020
Join branding expert Sara Timm of Waupaca Foundry to learn how a positive reputation supports your business plan and encourages productivity.
Best of Congress 2020: Wireless Sensor Measurement in 3D Printed Sand Molds
Eric MacDonald, Ph.D | Recorded July 28, 2020
Additive manufacturing is enabling the casting of complex geometries directly from digital design data and including 3D-scanned and reversed-engineered structures and even functionally-graded lattices. By inkjetting binder into a bed of sand layer-by-layer, dimensionally-precise sand molds and cores can be printed to serve as soft tooling for sand casting. However, the related increase in geometry complexity can lead to challenges in ensuring casting quality and yield. One recently-explored remedy is to introduce sensors (the Internet of Things) to enable the collection of a diversity of data at difficult-to-access locations in molds and includes measuring temperature, pressure, moisture, and detecting core shift. This webinar will describe work in wirelessly measuring temperature, humidity, magnetic field, metal velocity, and most recently, in barometric pressure, to monitor the pressures that accumulate within cores due to binder decomposition.
Latest on U.S. Trade Actions, USMCA, China Tariffs
Nicole Bivens Collinson | Recorded July 16, 2020
Hear the latest on key trade policy developments affecting metalcasters and predictions on what may happen for the remainder of the year.
Use of Mull-to-Energy Strategies for Improved Control of Green Sand Systems
Dr. Paul David Paulsen | Recorded July 14, 2020
Learn how some foundries have used mulling-to-energy as an alternative for better sand consistency and increased throughput.
Cast Metal-Ceramic Composite Lattice Structures for Energy Absorbing Penetration Resistant Application
Dr. Alan P. Druschitz & Manuel Umanzor | Recorded June 30, 2020
This webinar profiles a project which demonstrates how different foundry alloys, cast into several lattice structure panels, are able to resist penetration from different caliber projectiles.
Earn the Right to Close the Deal: Qualify Before Present
Rich Austen | Recorded June 24, 2020
Sales professional Rich Austin will provide essential ingredients for your sales success in the new normal. Austin’s presentation will demonstrate how personality and Intuition, also known as the ‘Wing-It’ model, is the most commonly used sales methodology in the world today. Unfortunately, most buyers do not share your personality, and intuition leads to assumptions which can prove devastating in a selling environment.
Parameters that Matter When Evaluating Inoculants
Lizeth Eloisa Medina Balliet | Recorded June 17, 2020
Effective inoculation has an effect in a wide variety of factors in liquid and solid state. Inoculants are the source of inoculation. As we strive for continuous improvement, lean practices and cost savings, we often look at making changes in our process. Inoculants are some of these changes; these changes can potentially result in disruptions to the process (aka SCRAP). This talk will address how we can practically evaluate inoculants and the effect in process.
Addressing Mental Health Concerns for Employee and Organization Success
Kevin Beaver | Recorded June 11, 2020
To ensure companies have a workforce prepared to meet the demands of the ever-evolving foundry industry, they must be prepared to effectively respond to workplace mental health and substance use concerns. This session will provide background information on mental health and substance use issues in the workplace, and how to most effectively address these concerns at an individual and organizational-level.
Best of Metalcasting Congress 2020: Tellurium Coating and Control in the Foundry
Kramer Pursell | Recorded June 4, 2020
This presentation discusses Dalton Foundry’s experience and lessons learned from the use and management of tellurium coatings. Dalton has effectively used tellurium coatings on a variety of gray iron castings to eliminate shrinkage defects when gating or risering is not possible.
Best of Metalcasting Congree: Foundry 4.0 -- Driving Change with Your Data; Use Cases, Best Practices and the Goal of Implementing an Industry 4.0 Strategy
Jim Wenson | Recorded June 2, 2020
Data and information are valuable (and we have more than ever before), but companies will be able to differentiate themselves by the people, tools and execution utilizing that data.
Social Media Marketing: Best Practices, Tips and Tricks
Skylar Finkelstein | Recorded May 27, 2020
Simpson Technologies Corp. Marketing Manager Skylar Finkelstein discusses social media marketing, popular platforms, social content, and tips and tricks for getting the most out of your social media campaigns.
Non-metallic Inclusions in Inoculated Spheroidal Graphite Iron
Simon Lekakh & JingJing Qing | Recorded May 21, 2020
Inoculation of spheroidal graphite cast iron (SGI) is used for improving casting performance and eliminating solidification microporosity by controlling graphite nodule nucleation. In this seminar, we will discuss basic of thermodynamic predictions of non-metallic inclusion formation during ductile iron liquid metal processes, describe a new methods of automated SEM/EDX inclusion analysis, how to get information about graphite nuclei family. High resolution TEM will show you complicated structure of individual nuclei, you will see atomic interfaces in great details. We will also introduce method of 3D micro CT visualization of graphite nodules in cast structure and demonstrate advantages of 3D methods compare to 2D analysis. Finally, we will shear with you the results of study effect of melt inoculation on microporosity in casting.
Best of Metalcasting Congress 2020: A New Measure for Active Clay in Green Sand
Andreas Decher & Sam Ramrattan | Recorded May 12, 2020
An alternative approach to measure active clay in green sand has been developed. The new technique is based on dye absorption and uses a spectrophotometer to detect the amount of active clay present in a green sand sample. This study investigated a commercially available, organic and nonhazardous dye. The test procedure can discriminate among various levels of sodium and calcium Bentonite standards in silica sand. Results with the new approach shows repeatability with acceptable test-to test variability when measuring standard active clay levels from 2 to 12% and on samples of green sand from working foundries.
Best of Metalcasting Congress 2020: Quantifying Casting Quality through Filling Conditions
Dan Hoefert | Recorded May 6, 2020
Focused concern and education related to filling damage and oxide inclusions has been widely promoted among the foundry industry in the past three decades; with special regards to aluminum. However, predicting the quantifiable damage that oxide film may cause to the quality of aluminum castings during the filling process remains largely theoretical, due to a lack of supporting data. The purpose of this experiment was to turn on and turn off turbulent filling conditions consistent with bifilm entrainment, in order to obtain the needed data required to predict the actual porosity and tensile damage these conditions may cause to aluminum castings.
3D Sand Printing: Production-Ready
Brandon Lamoncha | Recorded April 28, 2020
This webinar is a discussion on 3D printing opportunities to go into full production.
David Weiss | Recorded April 16, 2020
The presentation describes work over the last year on development of materials and foundry technology for the production of aluminum based nanocomposites. Highlighted are techniques for both adding particles into the melt and the development of nano particles within the melt using reactive chemistry. A proposed plan for the transition from bench and small scale testing to the production of full scale components is detailed.
A New Look at Protecting Foundry Workers from Heat-Related Illness
Bob Scholz P.E., CIH | Recorded April 14, 2020
Learn how you can review your own heat stress management program and see practices of other foundries in protecting their workers from heat-induced illness.
AFS Institute Webinar: E-Learning Onboarding
Jen Christian | Recorded April 7, 2020
The purpose of this 30-minute webinar is to demonstrate how the AFS suite of e-Learning modules may be used to support and add value to the onboarding of employees.
COVID-19 Stimulus Law: New Federal Loan Options for Small and Medium-Sized Metalcasters -- Are You Eligible, How Do You Apply, and What are the Key Terms/Benefits?
Arent Fox LLP | Recorded April 6, 2020
Learn about the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act’s (CARES Act) provisions relating to business loan programs for small and medium-sized metalcasters. This webinar will focus on assisting small and medium-sized businesses in determining eligibility and securing loans under the programs established by the CARES Act.
AFS Institute Webinar: E-Learning Best Practices
AFS Institute Staff | Recorded March 31, 2020
The purpose of this 30-minute webinar is to share the best practices for the delivery of e-Learning at your company (using the AFS e-Learning platform and modules).
COVID-19 and OSHA Compliance
Brent Charlton & Kay Rowntree | Recorded March 26, 2020
This webinar explains the necessary elements of a COVID-19 safety program for your foundry. The information is appropriate for health and safety professionals.
COVID-19 Practical Guidance for Metalcasters
Edwin Foulke & Howard Mavity | Recorded March 19, 2020
This webinar reviews recent COVID-19 developments and federal legal guidance targeted for manufacturers, including strategies to prevent workplace exposure, PPE, OSHA guidance, and employee leave.
AFS Institute Webinar: Custom On the Job Training
Clarence Trowbridge | Recorded March 17, 2020
During this 60-minute webinar participants will discover how to develop and dramatically improve custom on the job training programs for their manufacturing jobs/positions!
What Will The Rise of Electric Vehicles Mean for Metalcasters?
Richard Jefferson | Recorded March 4, 2020
Automotive manufacturers have decided it’s time to offer consumers more electric vehicles (EVs), and as a result, fundamental change could be coming to automotive industry suppliers, including metalcasters.
Empirical Methods for Estimating Heat Treatment Parameters and Evaluating Quench Severity
Dr. David C. Van Aken | Recorded February 19, 2020
The webinar reviews the basic function of the Missouri S&T hardenability calculator. This excel spreadsheet calculator uses traditional empirical relations based on steel chemistry to determine heat treatment parameters, prior austenite grain size, hardenability, quenched hardness profile, and tempered hardness.
Websites for Foundries: What Helps and Doesn't Help the Customer
John Grabel | Recorded January 28, 2020
How does a “no quote” response make you feel? Can it be avoided? The right information on your website can eliminate most of that problem. Does your website help potential customers find you or are you unwittingly erecting barriers? Who is your true customer and what information do they really need from your website? Find out at this webinar presented by industry expert John Grabel.
Work Is Flowing Out Of China: How To Get Your Share Now!
Harry Moser | Recorded January 21, 2020
Rising labor costs, tariffs, and the high cost of offshoring are prompting manufacturing jobs to leave China. This webinar from Harry Moser of Reshoring Initiative shows how to capitalize on this trend through reshoring and Foreign Direct Investment. Resources covered include the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Estimator and the Import Substitution Program.
Coming into Compliance with the DOL’s New Salary Requirements Thresholds for the Overtime Exemption
Mitchell W. Quick & Elizabeth A. Odian | Recorded December 10, 2019
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently published its final rule changes to the salary threshold requirements for the “white collar” overtime exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The DOL increased the minimum salary levels by almost 50%. Attorneys Mitchell Quick and Elizabeth Odian of Michael Best & Friedrich LLP will go over the new rules in detail, and advise how employers can achieve compliance by the January 1, 2020 deadline.
The Synergistic Effects of Refractory Coatings and Sand Additives in Controlling Veining, Metal Penetration and Surface Finish in PUCB Systems
Dr. Paula Vivas, Matt Shoffner, Marek Simon, E. Rivera & Lee Horvath | Recorded December 3, 2019
The development of more effective engineered sand additives and refractory coatings has significantly helped to reduce or eliminate casting defects such as veining, metal penetration and surface finish for castings made using chemically-bonded molds/cores. The goal here is to systematically understand/quantify the contribution that each of these materials has during the casting process. However, this process is a multi-variable one so in order to gain deeper insight of the overall effects of these materials, the individual variables/parameters need to be analyzed simultaneously.
Consideration of Material, Labor and Production Costs in Steel Casting Tooling
Roy Stevenson | Recorded November 15, 2019
This webinar highlights a steel casting case study, utilizing material, labor and production costs, which were integrated into the casting process simulation software interface. Having the costs associated with producing the casting when using each tooling design, along with the predicted quality level of each tooling design, gives the foundry engineer a much better idea of the true overall costs associated with a given tooling design.
A Primer: Silica Compliance Made Easy!
Juliette Garesche | Recorded November 13, 2019
This webinar will serve to clarify, in plain language, the requirements of OSHA’s Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) standard. It will cover the basic and necessary definitions of silica related terms and review the resources available on the AFS website.
Opioids/Cannabis Workplace Drug Testing: What Should Metalcasters Know?
Nancy Delogu | Recorded November 7, 2019
The opioid crisis has escalated dramatically across the country. At the same time, the marijuana legalization movement has grown, and a number of states now not only permit medical marijuana but also recreational marijuana. What can metalcasters do to maintain a safe workplace? What restrictions are there for testing employees for drug use?
A Conversation with an OEM Strategic Commodity Manager
Serhan Yener & Richard Jefferson | Recorded October 23, 2019
- How do you select a manufacturing process for required OEM parts?
- How does cost figure in the decision to purchase parts, as compared to quality, lead times, etc.?
- What is your perspective on surcharges?
Serhan Yener, Strategic Commodity Manager for AGCO Corp., answers these and other key supply chain questions during an exclusive web event for Casting Source magazine.
Best of CastExpo 2019—Welding of Aluminum Castings: An Overview and Recommendations
David Weiss, Mike Gwyn & Keith Sturgill | Recorded October 23, 2019
In-process weld rework during finishing of as-cast surfaces on many kinds of castings is widely misunderstood by casting materials engineers, manufacturing engineers, and inspectors. In some cases, welding is prohibited, or restricted, or significant burdens are imposed to document welded castings. This reviews current specifications and the results of testing done over the years on aluminum castings for aerospace, military and commercial applications. Proper welding technique and post processing recommendations are also discussed for welding of aluminum alloy castings.
Best of CastExpo 2019—Sand Distribution Effect on Three-Dimensional Printed Sand Properties
Kip Woods, Dr. Scott Giese and Sudhir Trikha | Recorded October 8, 2019
This webinar assesses the impact that screen distribution has on the final properties of 3D printed silica sand.
Best of CastExpo 2019—Evaluation of Emissions in Green Sand & Casting Comparison
Sairam Ravi, Jerry Thiel & Victor LaFay | Recorded September 24, 2019
For many years, researchers in the foundry industry and universities have been developing testing protocols to evaluate the emission characteristics of prepared green sand during pouring, cooling and shakeout. This paper will review the testing protocol and methods used in the collection and evaluation of these emissions that is the result of the entire metalcasting process.
A Year After OSHA Began Silica Enforcement: What Savvy Foundries Have Learned?
Kay Rowntree, Eric Pylkas & Daniel Engling | Recorded September 12, 2019
Come gain know-how from foundries and consultants that have been devising creative solutions to attain compliance with the silica regulations. Learn strategies to deal with traditionally high exposure areas/tasks such as baghouse changes and furnace relining. Industrial Hygienists will share the difference between performance monitoring and periodic sampling, and when enough sampling is enough.
Update: Proposed Overtime Rule & Navigating the New EEO-1 Pay Data Requirements
James A. Paretti, Jr. | Recorded August 22, 2019
Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) published a proposed rule that would make nearly a million workers eligible to receive overtime pay. If adopted, these new regulations among other things, raise the salary threshold to qualify as overtime exempt from $23,660 to $35,308. It’s important to not wait until the rule is finalized to begin reviewing your practices.
AFS Research: Pre-Firing Time/Temperature effect on Investment Shells
Mingzhi Xu | Recorded August 13, 2019
This AFS-sponsored research demonstrates the importance of firing parameters on the thermo-mechanical properties of investment shells. With this knowledge in hand, foundries are one step closer to achieving shells that provide sufficient mechanical strength with fewer layers. This could translate into a marked reduction in operating costs.
How to apply 3 Fluid Flow properties that impact your Gating System
Dr. Sudesh Kannan | Recorded August 6, 2019
Fluid flow in your gating system plays a significant role in getting the desired quality in your casting. Key concepts of turbulence, momentum and fluidity will be discussed as part of understanding molten metal fluid flow and the impact they have on gating design and practice. Videos and case studies will be shared to explain basic gating principles.
AFS Research—Quantifying Casting Quality Through Filling Conditions
Dan Hoefert | Recorded July 16, 2019
Presented by Dan Hoefert, explore the research behind quantifying casting quality through filling conditions.
Process & Data Automation for Mid-Sized Foundries
Jim Lagrant | Recorded July 9, 2019
Foundries are one of the core businesses many people tend to think of when imagining industrial manufacturing. As a result, it’s often considered an old-fashioned industry without a lot of room for improvement.
The AFS Corporate Member Advantage
Ben Yates | Recorded June 21, 2019
Learn how a small investment in an AFS Corporate Membership can pay dividends throughout your organization by driving innovation, reducing costs, developing employees, and connecting with customers.
3D Sand Printing—Operation/Maintenance Considerations
Travis Frush | Recorded June 4, 2019
Faster, higher quality at lower cost/higher value. Focus on operational sustainability and materials that offer increased process flexibility and deliver higher quality castings.
Effect of Filling Conditions on Steel Casting Qualities
Dr. Laura Bartlett | Recorded May 14, 2019
Recent understanding on the effect of filling conditions on casting surface and performance of aluminum castings has resulted in design of new gating systems that eliminate damaged metal, greatly increasing casting quality and yield. It has been proposed by recent researchers that nearly all surface and internal defects in steel castings result from air entrainment during turbulent filling conditions causing unnecessary weld repair, low mechanical properties, and customer rejections.
Additive Sand Manufacturing—Path to Production
Ron Walling | Recorded May 7, 2019
Recent advancements in additive sand technology have fostered its emergence from a prototype-only process to a process that is viable for particular production casting applications. But, the benefits of additive sand are best applied to specific categories of castings. Also, the availability of printed sand in the foundry industry is currently limited. This presentation will provide a casting customer’s perspective of how the use of additive sand for production castings will grow in the coming years.
Why Lost Foam?
Marshall Miller | Recorded May 2, 2019
The webinar explains the steps of the Lost Foam Casting (LFC) process and shares examples of project successes derived through LFC. We cover which countries are using the Lost Foam process and how prevailing it is on the global scene. You also learn the type of parts Lost Foam is best for and review the benefits of using this method. For each limitation identified for the process, we also identify remedies being developed through AFS research.
Guidance for Foundry Heat Stress Management
Bob Scholz | Recorded April 11, 2019
This webinar is intended to provide information and reference to resources that can be useful in managing heat stress in foundries.
Purpose & Description of Failure Analysis
John Tartaglia | Recorded April 2, 2019
This talk will start by defining failures and cracks. This will then discuss the general failure causes of design, material and manufacturing. The role of the customer will then be outlined, i.e., when you should consider purchasing a fracture or failure analysis, what you should expect to learn, and what information and samples that you should collect. The failure analysis steps will be described and some failure analysis examples will be included.
EU’s Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
Bing C. Xu | Recorded March 20, 2019
Does the European Union’s Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Affect Your Foundry? Many foundries are receiving letters from their European customers asking for certification that their castings are REACH compliant. The REACH regulation was written to protect human health and the environment from chemical substances that are produced in or imported into EU member nations.
Design Principles for Effective Casting Production
Mike Gwyn | Recorded March 5, 2019
Can OEMs analyze their own aluminum structural casting designs for castability and solidification integrity with software they already have?Yes! Join us for Design Principles for Effective Casting Production to find out how.
Nadcap & the Foundry Industry
Dave Weiss | Recorded February 26, 2019
Nadcap is an accreditation program for special processes and products in the aerospace industry. The author who managed the task group which established the Conventional Machining as a Special Process accreditation program and who is a current auditor will provide insight into Nadcap. This includes background on the history of Nadcap and an overview of the process.
Demonstration of the Impact of Thermomagnetic Processing on Cast Aluminum Alloys
Dave Weiss | Recorded February 7, 2019
A number of alloys were processed via thermomagnetic processing (TMP) including 242, 355, and Al-8Ce-10Mg alloys. Mechanical property results from cast tensile samples heat treated in ORNL’s 5-inch superconducting magnet system clearly indicate a 10 to 65% increase in yield strength (YS) and 16 to 37% increase in ultimate tensile strength (UTS) over reported conventional heat treatment practice values depending on the alloys system.
Ed Foulke | Recorded January 23, 2019
Understanding what is considered a recordable case under OSHA’s injury and illness recordkeeping rule has never been more important. Most foundries are now required to annually electronically submit their injury and illness data to OSHA as part of the electronic recordkeeping rule. The agency is using this data to target its enforcement efforts.
Update on Prop. 65
David Sarvadi & Javaneh Nekoomaram | Recorded January 17, 2019
As of August 2018, new, more specific labeling and signage requirements are being required. Any foundry with 10 or more employees, that sells castings that could be used, machined, or processed in California, could potentially be affected by these amendments. Learn more about who the regulations apply to and how the new requirements could affect your business.
What is an Inoculant and What Does it Do?
Catherine Hartung | Recorded January 15, 2019
Presentation of the concept inoculation and what can be an inoculant covering typical composition and elements used in inoculants along with emphasis on FeSi-based inoculants with controlled chemistries. And that same specification does not mean the same performance.
OSHA's Crystalline Silica Rule - 6 Months After Implementation (FAQs)
Brad Hammock | Recorded January 10, 2019
This webinar will look at how OSHA has been enforcing the new Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard (or rules) in the metalcasting industry, six months after its implementation, and provide a detailed overview of the new Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs) that have been developed in conjunction with AFS, the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and OSHA to provide additional clarification on several key portions of the rulemaking. OSHA anticipates formally releasing the FAQs in early January 2019.
Scanning & Eliminating Slow Moving Patterns
Carl Berube | Recorded January 8, 2019
A lot of warehouse space is devoted to storage of old, seldom used foundry patterns. When you factor auxiliary storage space, insurance and other factors, the process can be quite costly. Ever wonder if there’s a way to just eliminate the old patterns that are rarely used for production parts?
Best of Congress 2018 - Reuse of Foundry Sand
Robert Voight | Recorded November 14, 2018
Early studies have established the foundation for our current understanding of sand reclamation. AFS has played a key role in early sand reuse and reclamation technology deployment. What’s new in sand reclamation?
2018 Midterm Elections: What will Divided Government Mean for the U.S. Metalcasting Industry?
Stephanie Salmon | Recorded November 8, 2018
Stephanie Salmon of the AFS Washington office discusses the results of the 2018 midterm elections and what they mean for the metalcasting industry.
Preview: AFS Marketing & Sales Conference
Alexandria Trusov, Richard Jefferson | Recorded October 30, 2018
This year’s AFS Marketing & Sales Conference offers superb speakers covering topics of interest to all marketing and sales people in the metalcasting industry. Our webinar tells you why this conference in December is great preparation to best execute your marketing and sales in 2019.
Influence of Rare Earth Additions on the Structure of HY 100
Robert Tuttle | Recorded October 5, 2018
This Best of Congress 2018 webinar covers a series of plate casting experiments which examined the impact of rare earth additions on the structure and properties of HY100. The heats were produced in an induction furnace under an air atmosphere and poured into green sand molds. These plates were then cut into tensile bar and metallurgical samples. Some tensile bars were quench and tempered.
Best of Congress 2018 - Aluminum Casting Alloy for High Performance Engines
Dave Weiss | Recorded September 18, 2018
Automotive design engineers are looking for higher performance engines. Whether this translates into more horsepower on the racing circuit, or improved fuel economy in passenger cars, the end result is increased stress and higher temperatures in the engine. Especially problematic are conditions in the dome area of cylinder heads.
Silica Q&A Panel
Tom Slavin, Kay Rowntree, Bob Scholz, Eric Pylkas | Recorded August 30, 2018
Join Tom Slavin, Kay Rowntree, Bob Scholz and Eric Pylkas as they field questions about silica.
Best of Congress 2018 - What Impact will 3D Metal Printing have on Investment Casting?
Tom Mueller | Recorded August 14, 2018
In the past few years, the number of manufacturers of metal additive manufacturing systems has ballooned from less than ten to more than thirty and new ones seem to appear every month. Some have forecast that metal printing will become the dominant method of creating metal parts. Will metal printing make investment casting obsolete?
Best of Congress 2018 - An Update on the Latest Trends in Ferrous Charge Material
Lenny Basaj, Gene Halloway, David Borsuk | Recorded July 31, 2018
Do you have questions on what the latest trends in ferrous charge material mean for your operation? Highlighting the popular panel from Metalcasting Congress, three panelists host a Q&A session on the newest charge material trends you should know about for your iron foundry.
Housekeeping and Silica Exposure Control Plans
Eric Pylkas | Recorded July 26, 2018
AFS has a Members Only Webinar to help you with your Silica Exposure Control Plan. You'll gain the skills to build your own plan that includes all the required information using a new template AFS is releasing. You'll also explore results from the latest research on rider sweepers and input from those who've purchased new ones with HEPA filters.
Best of Congress 2018 - Hoyt Lecture
Dan Oman | Recorded July 10, 2018
Perceptions are a function of information received from many different sources. These perceptions become firmly held beliefs that rarely, if ever, change. Hear Dan Oman's Hoyt Lecture from this year's Metalcasting Congress on using an unbalanced force to change perceptions.
Control of Silica Exposures: Part 2
Bob Scholz | Recorded June 28, 2018
Learn what needs to be documented in your Silica Exposure Control Plan. Document everything, even ventilation systems you've installed prior to the passing of the revised silica rules.
AFS Trade Webinar: Update on Section 232 Steel & Aluminum Tariffs and Retaliation Measures
Teresa Polino, Aman Kakar | Recorded June 21, 2018
Join expert trade attorneys from Arent Fox for an informative webinar as they dive into the Trump Administration’s Section 232 Steel and Aluminum tariffs and the recently announced retaliatory tariffs by the EU, Canada & Mexico.
Getting the Most from the New AFS Website
Doug Kurkul, Mike Lakas | Recorded June 20, 2018
AFS CEO Doug Kurkul and Vice President of IT and Operations Mike Lakas present on how you can get the most out of the new AFS website. Launched on April 17, the new website serves the needs and advances the interests of the modern metalcasting industry.
Countdown to Compliance Under OSHA’s Final Silica Rule
Brad Hammock | Recorded June 19, 2018
Learn the latest on OSHA’s Silica Standard – AFS has been in discussions with OSHA about developing over 50 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to provide clarification on several key areas of the rule.
The Metalcasting World at your Fingertips: The AFS Library
Mike Lakas | Recorded June 13, 2018
Hear from AFS Vice President of IT and Operations Mike Lakas on how you can use the AFS library to advance your metalcasting needs.
Design and Engineering for Toolingless Sand and Investment Castings
Jiten Shah | Recorded June 5, 2018
Are you thinking about using additive manufacturing with your tooling-less sand and investment castings? Hear what additive manufacturing for your conventional sand and investment casting methods can do for you. Jiten Shah will discuss what you need to know ranging from the basic to highly complex casting configurations.
Control of Silica Exposures: Part 1
Bob Scholz | Recorded May 30, 2018
Know your silica sources and learn how to reduce concentrations of respirable crystalline silica. Bob Scholz discusses elements of a program to control silica exposures in foundries.
Reduction of Coating Related Casting Defects
Stacey Clifford | Recorded May 29, 2018
Mold and core coating related defects are discussed. Topics include veining, penetration, erosion, gas defects, spalling, scabs, inclusions, orange peel, brush marks, teardrops, cratering, coating retention and excess coating. The AFS Mold-Metal Interface Reactions Committee has also designed a poster that is available for purchase outlining these defects.
Veining & Penetration Reduction
Sam Ramrattan | Recorded May 16, 2018
Does the interaction of chemically bonded sand cores and molds with molten metal create challenges for your castings? Hear how you can accomplish near-net-shape castings with minimal veining and penetration defects. Dr. Sam Ramrattan will walk you through the steps to understand the thermal-mechanical effect suffered by the cores and molds when different binders, additives and coatings are used.
Respiratory Protection and Medical Surveillance for Silica
Kay Rowntree | Recorded April 26, 2018
Respiratory protection is a key component of most silica compliance programs. Hear all you need to know about silica filtering respirators and OSHA's newly required medical surveillance programs. Industrial hygienist Kay Rowntree hosts this webinar geared toward small to mid-size foundries.
Finite Element Analysis of Low-Alloy Steel Castings
Patrick Severson | Recorded April 24, 2018
Do you need to determine if a low-alloy steel casting is adequately designed for an anticipated duty cycle? Hear how proper FEA drives important engineering decisions for your low-alloy steel castings. Patrick Severson of Komatsu will outline key steps to constructing a proper finite element model you can use for your business.
How to Select an Industrial Hygienist and What to Expect When They Come
Kay Rowntree, Juliette Garesche | Recorded March 29, 2018
What can you expect when an industrial hygienist comes to visit? Find out with this AFS Members Only Webinar.
Casting Alloy Data Search (CADS) Tool
Jiten Shah | Recorded March 27, 2018
Are you frustrated with having to reply on potentially obsolete material property data? CADS is an online casting material database tool that offers easy access to critical design properties for casting designers and buyers at no cost to you. This AFS Members Only Webinar will explore CADS features and how they benefit you.
Prediction of Core Gas Pressure from Chemically Bonded Sand Molds using Process Simulation Software
Jerry Thiel, Sairam Ravi | Recorded March 13, 2018
Did you know the University of Northern Iowa is conducting research into developing advanced API software for foundries? Its purpose is to predict gas porosity defects based on mold and core material properties. Hear about research, the methodology used to determine critical core gas pressure using API code, and case studies showing the application of the algorithm in process simulation software.
Silica Substitutes - Will They Work for Your Foundry?
Juliette Garesche, William G. Johnston, Steve Gates, Jerry Thiel, Jeff Morrell | Recorded February 28, 2018
Are you interested in transitioning to non-silica media for the new silica standard, but not sure if it will work for your business? Hear who is already using these products, the pros and cons of non-silica media, and a panel to field questions.
Predictive Analytics in Metal Casting Industry - A Case Study
Hathibelagal Roshan | Recorded February 23, 2018
How can your business benefit from using predictive analytics? By identifying meaningful patterns in data, metalcasters are using predictive analytics to create an advantage over the competition. Jerry Thiel and Sairam Ravi will explore the four types of predictive analytics and how you can apply them to your foundry for a competitive advantage.
Exploit the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) for Increased Productivity & Lower Costs
Jamie Wiczer, Brian Reinke | Recorded February 13, 2018
Did you know that using new Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) technologies can give you productivity and efficiency benefits? New smart sensors combined with world-wide connectivity analyze your metalcasting operations and immediately alert you when abnormal conditions occur. Dr. James Wiczer and Brian Reinke will explore how you can use IIOT technologies to increase production, lower costs, and increase your profits.
Casting Uncommon Aluminum Alloys
David Weiss | Recorded January 22, 2018
Have you faced challenges casting uncommon aluminum alloys? Casting defects caused by difficult alloys can affect your bottom line. Dave Weiss of Eck Industries will explore difficult aluminum alloys and techniques you can use to improve the quality of your castings.
Tax Reform is Here
David Sites | Recorded January 22, 2018
Now that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has been signed by President Trump, what do you need to know? Participants will hear from expert David Sites, international tax partner at Grant Thornton in Washington, D.C., on a number of topics important to the metalcasting industry, including changes to marginal tax rates; pass-through taxation of sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations; expensing of new and used equipment; new rules related to estate tax; and more.
A New Look at Mn-S Balancing in Gray Cast Iron
Rick Gundlach | Recorded January 9, 2018
Did you know the sulfur content in cast gray irons can be as high as 0.16%? When manganese is not balanced with sulfur, this high concentration can produce hot-tears and embrittlement in your iron castings. Rick Gundlach of Element Materials Technology will present findings and offer ideas on balancing Mn-S to maximize the strength of cast gray iron.
Case Studies in Additive Manufacturing for Metalcasting
David Rittmeyer | Recorded December 5, 2017
Did you know some foundries have applied additive manufacturing to their existing processes? Find out how foundries are able to do this with an AFS Members Only Webinar. Dave Rittmeyer, Hoosier Pattern Inc., and Brandon Lamoncha, Humtown Products, will explore case studies and answer your questions on how you can grab the low-hanging fruit while minimizing your risks.
Practical Steps to Maximizing Refractory Performance
Pete Satre | Recorded November 28, 2017
The refractory used in the melting furnace is an important part of the foundry process and can greatly affect furnace performance, energy costs and profitability. New technologies have made great advancements in refractory effectiveness, and selecting the correct refractory is an important first step. However, foundry procedures such as installation, maintenance and start up process still play a significant role in furnace refractory life. This webinar will provide practical insights that can help improve refractory performance in your operation.
Get Ready for OSHA's Electronic Recordkeeping Rule
Brad Hammock | Recorded November 27, 2017
You might have recorded your OSHA injury and illness data the same way for years, but now that's changing. As of Dec. 1, 2017, many companies will be required to submit their 300A form to OSHA electronically. Brad Hammock, attorney and occupational safety and health law expert, will guide you through what you need to know about this new rule.
Update on Respirable Silica—What you Should be Doing Now?
Tom Slavin | Recorded November 7, 2017
Join us for an update on OSHA's new, fast-approaching crystalline silica standard. Hosted by industry expert Tom Slavin, you'll go through the steps to better prepare you and your business for meeting this new, burdensome rule.
Reshoring Metalcasting: How to Compete More Effectively vs. Imports
Harry Moser | Recorded October 4, 2017
Do you and your customers compare domestic and offshore casting quotes correctly? Interpreting the data correctly can mean the difference between losing work to an overseas competitor. In this webinar, Harry Moser, founder of the Reshoring Initiative, will share how reshoring can help your business. Moser uses real-world examples to demonstrate the success of reshoring. Does reshoring really work? In the past seven years, reshoring and FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) have brought back 330,000 manufacturing jobs to the U.S.