CastExpo 2025 Sponsorships & Signage

CastExpo 2025 Sponsorships

Distinguish your brand to the $50 billion metalcasting industry at CastExpo 2025, April 12-15, 2025 in Atlanta, GA, by becoming an Official Sponsor. You’ll receive up to nine months of promotion and unparalleled brand exposure at North America’s largest metalcasting trade show.

Choose from three sponsorship levels: Platinum, Gold, or Silver. Please note, only 12 sponsorships are available per level and are considered reserved with full payment. Sponsorship Deadline: January 15, 2025. For more information or to become an Official Sponsor, contact Kim Farrugia at


Sponsorship Benefits

12 available

12 available

12 available

Official CastExpo 2025 Program Guide
Your logo* is featured prominently in the official program guide’s sponsor array.

Pre-Conference E-mails
Your logo* is included in the sponsor array in all outgoing CastExpo 2025 emails, accounting for thousands of impressions across the industry over the course of nine months.


Pre-Conference Mailings
Your logo* is printed in the sponsor array in all CastExpo 2025 direct mail.


CastExpo 2025 Website
Your logo* and web link are included in the sponsor array on the Metalcasting Congress 2024 website.


Sponsor Badge Ribbons
All company employees will receive badge ribbons denoting your sponsorship level.


Official Sponsor Logo For Marketing
Market your participation at CastExpo 2025 with the Official Sponsor logo.


Enhanced Digital Exhibit Options
Receive expanded listing features, priority placement, and an Official Sponsor icon.


Pre-Show E-mail Feature
An email blast to all registered attendees will spotlight sponsor companies’ profiles and link to their exhibits booths.


Social Media Recognition
Individual thanks on all AFS social media channels will be sent monthly. These will include your logo and will tag your related accounts.


Onsite Recognition
Your logo will be displayed prominently on select show-related signage in the lobby entrance to the exhibit hall.


Daily Push Notification
All CastExpo 2025 app users will receive push notifications thanking our Platinum Sponsors by name.



Entrance Floor Clings
Your logo and exhibit number will be displayed on a floor cling decal at both entrances to the show floor.



Logo on CastExpo 2025 Floorplan
Your logo and web link are showcased at the bottom of the official CastExpo 2025 floorplan.



Hall Announcement
A daily announcement over the PA system at the Baird Center will thank Platinum Sponsors by name.



Conference Mobile App Splashpage
Your logo appears in the sponsor array every time the official CastExpo 2025 app is launched (2-second splash page).



*Logos sized according to sponsorship level.


Branding Sponsorships

AFS has a few unique opportunities for those seeking a more targeted audience at CastExpo 2025. You can support these important industry initiatives and build your brand at the same time through one of these simple, recognition-based sponsorships. These sponsorships are not exclusive. For more information, contact Kim Farrugia at

Branding Sponsorship Deadline: First Claimed, First Sold Until Jan. 22, 2025. Don't miss these high-visibility opportunities to build your brand.

Sponsorship Options



Casting Source Theater Sponsor
Become an official sponsor of the Casting Source Theater, which will host the Buyers & Designers education track. Your company logo will be placed prominently in the theater and be included in all related marketing materials promoting these sessions to OEMs and other casting end-users. Only available to Cast in North America exhibitors. 



12 available

Coffee Station by AFS Technical Sessions
The AFS Technical Sessions will be bustling. Have your company logo visible in the main foyer of the AFS Technical Session area. Signage will be visible with your company logo and booth number and a literature rack for you to provide a company brochure from 7:30 – 10:30 a.m. on each day of CastExpo (April 12-15). You will also receive logo visibility in the CastExpo 2025 Show Guide, emails promoting this coffee station, and an exhibit hall announcement with your company name.

Coffee 1


4 available

The Hub Powered Table Sponsorship
Sponsor will have their four-color branding on 3 tabletop powered tables (72.25”x 26.25”) with chairs located in the The Hub for the duration of the event. Attendees will use this area to review the CastExpo Show Guide, network, work on their laptops, or take a quick break while charging their cell phones. Customer provides artwork and each of your 3 tables can have different artwork.



2 available

Sponsored Presentation in the Casting Source Theater
Present and persuade attendees as an official session listed in the agenda for the Casting Source Theater. If you have something new, innovative, and groundbreaking to share with the industry, you can do so in one of these sponsored sessions, mixed in with regular AFS programming. All sessions are a firm 25 minutes in length. Session time spots are reserved with full payment. Spots are limited and any Sponsored Presentations submitted after Feb. 10, 2025, will not be included in the on-site Show Guide. 



5 available

Water Cooler Sponsorship 
Sponsor will have your company logo and booth number on a sign next to 8 water coolers placed in prominent areas on the CastExpo exhibit floor, registration, hallways and technical session area.


3 available

Women in Metalcasting Breakfast Sponsor
Be a sponsor of the Women in Metalcasting Breakfast. Sponsorship includes logo on all materials related to the breakfast.

WIM Breakfast


20 available


Onsite Signage

Drive traffic to your booth and make an impression with highly visible, on-site signage inside the Georgia World Congress Center. 

For more information about onsite signage, contact Kim Farrugia at